Student Discipline - Lyons Township High School District 204 (2024)

  • Discipline
  • Disciplinary Consequences
  • Teacher Initiated Conference/Detention
  • Behavioral Intervention Policy for Students with Disabilities
  • Student Dress
  • Student ID Cards
  • Freedom of Expression
  • Lunchroom Expectations
  • Appeals Process


Violation of Regulations - Actions that will subject a student to discipline include, but are not limited to, those set forth in Board Policy 7:190—Student Behavior and/or the following:

  1. Aiding and Abetting – Any student who assists another student in the commission of a crime or violation of a school rule will receive consequences accordingly.

  2. Arson/possessing any fire-starting/explosive materials, including but not limited to fireworks and smoke bombs.

  3. Threats to school safety that may include, false safety alarm activation or threat, bomb threats, false 911 calls, and/or any false or true threat aimed at school safety or security.

  4. Bullying/Harassment - bullying other students verbally or physically will not be tolerated. Bullying is a conscious, willful, deliberate activity intended to harm where the perpetrator(s) get pleasure from the targeted person’s pain/and or misery. It can be verbal, physical, and/or relational; have as its overlay race, ethnicity, religion, gender (including sexual orientation), physical, or mental ability; includes all forms of hazing and cyberbullying. It can be, and often is, continuous and repeated over time, but does not have to be. Once is enough to constitute bullying.

  5. Bus Misconduct - School buses and bus stops are considered school property; therefore, school rules governing student conduct apply to buses (and other such district vehicles, i.e., vans, cars, etc.) used in daily transportation, field trips, or sporting events. The bus route number on the face of the ID card must match the route number of the vehicle being boarded. Students are not permitted to ride a bus other than the one assigned. As agents of LTHS, bus drivers have authority to enforce school’s discipline policies.

  6. Academic Dishonesty

    1. Cheating is an attempt through fraud or collusion to gain unfair advantage for a student which undermines learning, the primary focus of our school. Cheating always involves the loss of academic integrity and inhibits the student’s opportunity to learn. Therefore, any student involved in cheating will be subject to corrective action.

    2. Plagiarism is the act of taking, in part or in whole, someone else’s original ideas without appropriately crediting the source and presenting them as one’s own. The ideas may be presented in written, visual, auditory, computational, electronic, or other forms. Plagiarism, like other kinds of cheating, sacrifices academic integrity. Students who plagiarize will be subject to not only corrective action, but also possible legal consequences.

    3. Due Process: All divisions will follow the same disciplinary procedures relating to cheating and plagiarism as outlined below. At any stage of this process (First, Second, or Third Offense), the student may also be disciplined for other misconduct (i.e. impersonation, theft, etc.) which may include suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion at the discretion of the administration. If, during the process of setting up a conference to remediate the behavior, a teacher finds another instance of plagiarism prior to the completion of the steps outlined in the policy, the student will be subject to the consequence of the next offense as well. Violations are cumulative during a student’s enrollment at Lyons Township.

First Offense: On the first offense, the teacher contacts both the student and parent, and completes a behavioral referral in Infinite Campus. The Assistant Principal then meets with the student (and parent when appropriate) in regards to the incident. At the conference,the student will be required to participate in a restorative intervention that includes a written reflection, and serve a one-hour detention before/after school. Once this has been completed, the student will have the opportunity to retake the original or alternative assignment provided by the teacher to demonstrate learning of the material. The student will receive a “M” as a placeholder until the assignment is completed. If the assignment is not completed within the timeline outlined in the teacher’s syllabus, the grade will be converted to the lowest grade given in the course.

Second Offense: On the second offense, the teacher contacts both the student and parent, and completes a behavioral referral in Infinite Campus. A conference is held with the Assistant Principal, student, and the parent. The student will be required to participate in a restorative intervention that includes a statement, reflection questions, and academic monitoring with the Assistant Principal. In addition, they will serve a four-hour Saturday detention to complete the original or alternative assignment provided by the teacher to demonstrate learning of the material. The student will receive a “M” as a placeholder until the assignment is completed. If the assignment is not completed within the timeline outlined in the teacher’s syllabus, the grade will be converted to the lowest grade given in the course.

Third or Subsequent Offense: On the third or any subsequent offense, the teacher contacts both the student and parent, and completes a behavioral referral in Infinite Campus. A conference will be held with the student, parent, and Assistant Principal. The student will be required to participate in a restorative intervention that includes a statement, reflection questions, and academic monitoring with the Assistant Principal. In addition, they will serve a one day of in school suspension to complete the original or alternative assignment provided by the teacher to demonstrate learning of the material. The student will receive a “M” as a placeholder until the assignment is completed. If the assignment is not completed within the timeline outlined in the teacher’s syllabus, the grade will be converted to the lowest grade given in the course.

Examples – Cheating and plagiarism can be observed or detected through, but not limited to, the following behaviors:

  • copying homework (whether you give it to, or receive it from someone else)

  • looking on another students’ test or quiz

  • letting another student look on your test or quiz

  • using other methods of getting or giving answers on a test or quiz (including accessing the internet or other electronic devices)

  • working with others on any assignment that was meant to be done by individuals or had not been explicitly assigned by the teacher as a collaborative assignment

  • taking content in part or in whole from the Internet, other publications, or other students

  • taking information from another source that is not properly attributed

  • taking any part of a test to use or to give to another student

  • taking material from the teacher without permission

  • submitting information from artificial intelligence or Generative AI as original work without attribution

Note: The teacher may use computer software to determine the extent of plagiarism on any assignment.

  1. Derogatory language, symbols or activities intended to offend or harass. They may include but are not limited to racial and ethnic slurs/expressions.

  2. Deceiving/not cooperating with school personnel or staff

  3. Excessive displays of affection

  4. Drugs, Alcohol, Controlled Substances - Possession, delivery, solicitation, use or sale andbeing under the influence of alcoholic beverages, behavior-affecting drugs, controlled substances, “look-alike” drugs, intoxicating compounds, synthetic marijuana, medical marijuana or drug paraphernalia, including vaporizers, on school property, while attending, or in route to school or school sponsored activities are strictly prohibited. Violations are cumulative during a student’s enrollment at Lyons Township. Local police will be advised of the incident.


Possession is defined as having on one’s person or having control, e.g., having alcohol or drugs in school locker, in vehicle or in another place to which the individual has access. Behavior-affecting drugs are defined as controlled substances and substances legally obtained, e.g., glue, but improperly used to alter a person’s mood, perceptions, or behavior.

Controlled substances are defined as illegal and legal drugs used in a manner different from what was prescribed by a doctor. Sale or distribution is defined as a student selling, distributing or in possession of substance (alcoholic beverages, behavior-affecting drugs, controlled-substances or “look-alike” drugs) in amounts other than for personal use, will be suspended out-of-school immediately and recommended for expulsion.
Breathalyzers/Health Assessment Screening – If a student is suspected of being under the influence, they may be asked to breathe into the breathalyzer and/or participate in a health assessment screening. If the breathalyzer indicates that a student has been drinking alcohol, parents will be contacted and the student may be turned over to the local police. The school’s drug and alcohol policy will be enforced. Should a student refuse to take a breathalyzer or participate in a health assessment screening, the school administration will also call the parent to inform them and may turn the student over to the police. Students who refuse to take the breathalyzer and/or participate in the health assessment screening, will be assumed to be under the influence and receive consequences accordingly.

First Offense (other than sale or distribution):

  1. Parent notified; student will be suspended from school

  2. Student will be referred to the local police agency.

  3. At the discretion of the administration the student may be recommended for an assessment and participate in a district approved Alternative to Suspension program. If the student successfully completes the assessment and recommended program, the out-of-school suspension shall be reduced. Failure to complete this program will result in a reinstatement of the original suspension.

Second Offense (other than sale or distribution):

  1. Parent notified, student will be suspended from school

  2. The student will be referred to the local police agency.

  3. Expulsion may be recommended; such proceedings may be abated, at the discretion of the administration, if the student enrolls and participates in an approved treatment program at parent expense.

Sale or Distribution - Students selling, distributing or possessing any substance in an amount other than for personal use.

  1. Parent notified.

  2. Suspension out-of-school

  3. Student will be referred to the local police agency.

  4. Expulsion will be recommended

  1. Electronic Media Policy Violation (see Student Expectations)

  2. Extortion

  3. Failure to follow schedule

  4. Failure to report to an LTHS employee a known act of misconduct which violates any policyor procedure of the School District that has been committed or threatened by another student

  5. Failure to report to detention or follow detention/ISS rules

  6. Forgery/Impersonation - Students are expected to turn in all documents with authentic information and signatures on them. Any student falsifying a signature or information on a document or knowingly turning in a document with false information or signatures is guilty of forgery. A list, although not inclusive, of possible documents where forgery may occur are: Field Trip cards, Credit/No Credit form, Hall Passes, Athletic Physical forms, Medical Notes, Outside Guest Dance forms, Pre-Approved Absence forms, Parent Permission forms, Level Change forms, Add/Drop forms. Impersonation includes representing a parent when in contact with the school (attendance and otherwise). Consequences vary from loss of participation to suspension from school.

  7. Fundraising or Solicitation - Selling or purchasing of any kind for non-school organizations isprohibited by law and by the Board of Education unless approved by LT administration. Flyers are not to be distributed unless approved by the Building Administration.

  8. Gambling

  9. Gang/non-sanctioned organizations – “Gang” is defined as any group, club or organization of two or more persons whose purposes include the commission of illegal acts. No student on or about school property or at any school activity or whenever the student’s conduct is reasonably related to a school activity, shall: (1) wear, possess, use, distribute, display, orsell any clothing, jewelry, tattoos, paraphernalia or other items which reasonably could be regarded as gang symbols; commit any act or omission, or use either verbal or nonverbal gestures, or handshakes showing membership or affiliation in a gang; or (2) use any speech or commit any act or omission in furtherance of the interest of any gang activity, including, but not limited to, soliciting others for membership in any gangs; or (3) request any person to pay protection or otherwise intimidate, harass or threaten any person; (4) commit any other illegal act or other violation of district policies; (5) or incite other students to act with physical violence upon another person.

  10. Blatant disrespect to students or staff

  11. Hazing - Any act directed against a student for the purpose of being initiated into, affiliated

with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization, club or athletic team, or participation in any initiation ritual is strictly prohibited.

  1. ID Policy Violation

  2. Inappropriate behavior

  3. Injurious behavior to persons or property - For example throwing snowballs, skateboarding,etc.

  4. Inciting mob action

  5. Insubordination/Failure to follow directions: Every student is expected to immediatelycomply with any reasonable request given by a member of the school staff, including the School Resource Officer, or by any adult selected to assist a staff member. Failure to comply will be treated as insubordination. A parent or student has the right to appeal the order before consequences for insubordination are levied. Such an appeal should be made with the Assistant Principal.

  6. Intent to do bodily harm

  7. Intimidation and retaliation

  8. Off-campus without permission - Upon arrival, students are required to remain on campusuntil departure. Once a student departs campus, the school is no longer responsible for providing transportation via bus.

  9. Physical Confrontation/Fighting - Use of physical means to resolve disputes will not betolerated. Use of physical force will be subject to discipline unless the student who used physical force did so in reasonable self-defense. Self-defense does not include hitting the other student.

  10. Making an explicit threat on an Internet website against a school employee, a student, orany school- related personnel if the Internet website through which the threat was made is a site that was accessible within the school at the time the threat was made or was available to third parties who worked or studied within the school grounds at the time the threat was made, and the threat could be reasonably interpreted as threatening to the safety and security of the threatened individual because of his or her duties or employment status or status as a student inside the school.

  11. p*rnography - Possession, distribution, and/or the attempt to obtain p*rnography isprohibited. Any student found in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action.

  12. Possession of stolen property

  13. Profanity/Inappropriate language

  14. Refusal to identify self to district personnel /failure to carry school identification

  15. Sexual Harassment and Teen Dating Violence

  16. Violence and Harassment

  17. Tardy to class (see Attendance)

  18. Theft

  19. Tobacco and Vape Policy - It is against school policy to be in possession of or use anytobacco products (cigarettes, e-cigarettes/vape pens, loose tobacco, chewing tobacco, non-THC containing liquids including CBD oils or edibles, and vape paraphernalia) or paraphernalia (lighters, matches, and rolling papers), regardless of the age of the student, on school grounds, on property adjacent to the school, or at any school function. Tobacco products and paraphernalia will be confiscated from students and not returned to them. In addition, the village ordinances for Western Springs and LaGrange requiring a fine for minors, under the age of 18, who are seen smoking, or who have tobacco in their possession, will be strictly enforced.

  20. Vandalism, damage to, or on school property – in addition to disciplinary consequencesstudents will be required to make restitution for repair and/or replacement costs, including labor and materials. The student may be referred to the local police agency.

42. Verbal Confrontation

43. Weapons Policy-See Safe School Environment for more information

Disciplinary Consequences

When violations of school rules and regulations occur, it is the responsibility of involved teachers and administrators to work with the student, his or her parents and other support personnel to help the student correct his or her behavior. All disciplinary actions shall be directed toward protecting the welfare of the school community.

When determining the response for a specific violation of discipline, school personnel will consider the nature of the act, the student’s previous school history, the student’s previous disciplinary record, his or her age and maturation, the impact on the educational objectives for the students, any mitigating circ*mstances, and the effect of his or her actions on the welfare of the school community. LTHS will provide information to victims to facilitate filing appropriate criminal charges. The Superintendent is authorized to follow the provisions of the School Code of Illinois to create administrative regulations which include guideline procedures to establish and maintain a reciprocal reporting system between the District and local law enforcement agencies regarding criminal offenses committed by students .Disciplinary responses are governed by Board Policies 7:190—Student Behavior, 7:200—Suspension Procedures, and 7:210—Expulsion Procedures and may include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Conference with student and/or parent may be required. District personnel, e.g., teachers, counselors and assistant principals, may participate in the conference at the discretion of the Administration.

  2. Restorative learning opportunity, when available.

  3. Bus suspension or assigned bus seat.

  4. Detention may be assigned before school, during lunch time, after school or Saturday. Detentions may be assigned from 25 minutes – four hours.

  5. Loss of student privileges - not to exceed one year. Loss of privileges may include:

    • Co-curricular sports

    • Co-curricular activities

    • Special events (athletic competitions, performance and/or dance)

    • Behind-the-wheel instruction

    • Parking permits

    • Pass restriction

    • Study Hall restrictions

    • Access to technology

    • Access to personal electronic devices

    • Bus Service

    • Field trip participation, including overnight trips

    • Participation in commencement ceremony or other senior activities

  6. Restorative Intervention Room (RIR) Placement/Assignment - Assigned as an alternative to in-school suspension (1 day) or out-of-school (2-3 days) suspension for violation of school rules/act of misconduct.Students are required to take schoolwork to the Restorative Intervention Room and follow the governing rules, including no use of electronic media. Full credit will be received for completed work. Failure to follow the Restorative Intervention rules may result in an In-School or Out-of-School Suspension. Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in restorative learning opportunities, repair harm, receive support from members of their Student Support Team, participate in individual/group activities, etc.

  7. Students placed into the RIR as an alternative to out-of-school suspension may not participate in extra-curricular activities or after school events (either home or away). If the suspension occurs on and or includes a Friday, this rule applies to the weekend also. These activities include all athletic practices and events, dances, plays, musicals, concerts, club meetings, and all other school sponsored activities. Students are eligible for participation in extra-curricular activities upon the student’s first day of return to their regular class schedule after completionof the RIR program.

  8. Students placed into the RIR as an alternative to out-of-school suspension may not be on grounds of either campus outside of the school day and must follow the arrival/dismissal/transportation plans developed during the RIR intake meeting. FAILURE TO COMPLY is considered trespassing and may result in ARREST AND/OR SUSPENSION/EXPULSION.

  1. Students placed into the RIR as an alternative to out-of-school suspension will be required to complete a re-entry meeting with the assistant principal or designee.

  1. A behavior/attendance contract may be created to address specific problematic behaviors, to include consequences if the contract is violated.

  2. Disciplinary removal from class - students who refuse to cooperate with classroom teachers by disrupting other students may be temporarily removed from that classroom for other students' welfare.

  3. Out-of-School Suspension (OSS) - exclusion from school for up to 10 school days by a Principal, Associate Principal, or Assistant Principal for an act of misconduct pursuant to Board Policy 7:210—Expulsion Procedures.

  4. Suspended students may not participate in extra-curricular activities or after school events (either home or away). If the suspension occurs on and or includes a Friday, this rule applies to the weekend also. These activities include all athletic practices and events, dances, plays, musicals, concerts, club meetings, and all other school sponsored activities. A suspension officially ends upon the student’s first day of return to school.

  5. Suspended students may not be on grounds of either campus. FAILURE TO COMPLY is considered trespassing and may result in ARREST AND/OR EXPULSION.

  6. Students returning from long-term suspensions (greater than 3 days) will be required to complete a meeting with the assistant principal or designee.

  7. Probation - return of a student on a trial basis according to prearranged terms and conditions.

  8. Expulsion - formal action of Board of Education for school exclusion for up to two calendar years, occurring after a due process hearing at which time the student may be represented by his/her attorney.

  9. Police referral when deemed necessary

Teacher Initiated Conference/Detention

Teachers may assign detention or afterschool conferences with a student with 24-hour notice. This detention takes priority over activities, athletics, and/or employment. Failure to attend will be considered as insubordination and the teacher will submit a behavioral referral to the Assistant Principal.

(See Board Policy 7:190Student Behavior)

Behavioral Intervention Policy for Students with Disabilities

The use of positive behavioral interventions with students with disabilities will be given the highest priority in District 204. When behavioral interventions are used, they will be used in consideration of the student’s physical freedom and social interaction and be administered in a manner that respects human dignity and ensures a student’s right to placement in the least restrictive environment. The most effective and humane manner of reducing an undesirable behavior is by developing, strengthening, or generalizing desirable behaviors to compete with and displace the unwanted behavior. Behavior leading to repeated use of a more restrictive intervention, suspension, or a pattern of behavior which interferes significantly with the student’s learning may result in the development or revision of a written behavior intervention plan. The development or revision of a behavior intervention plan will be accompanied by careful planning and monitoring of the intervention procedures and systematic evaluation of outcomes. Students will be informed annually of the existence of the policy in the District Student Handbook.

Student Dress

Lyons Township High School strives to create an atmosphere where all students, staff and members of our community feel safe and respected, and where diversity is welcomed and celebrated. (see Board Policy 7:160—Student Appearance)

  1. Students have the right to make clothing and accessory selections so that they feel comfortable and confident at school.

  2. Students have the responsibility to make clothing and accessory selections that are appropriate for the educational environment. Clothing choices should not disrupt the educational process, interfere with the maintenance of a positive teaching and learning climate, or compromise reasonable standards of health, safety, and decency.

  3. Hats and headgear: Students may wear scarves and other items that honor and celebrate their cultural identity. Students should not wear hats and will be asked to lower hoodies if their use obscures their face.

  4. Apparel that promotes or advertises weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco products, or other inappropriate activities is not permitted.

  5. Items and or behaviors determined to be symbolic of gang membership are prohibited.

  6. Tattoos or piercings, if determined to be inappropriate or a material disruption, will require clothing or other coverage.

  7. Shoes must be worn at all times.

Students who are not in compliance with the school dress code will be sent to the Assistant Principal’s Office for a conference and provided three alternative options to comply with the school dress code expectations.

  1. Students will be asked to put on their own alternative clothing, if already available at school.

  2. Students will be provided with a school clothing option for the day.

  3. If necessary, students’ parents/guardians may be called during the school day to bring alternative clothing for the student to wear.

If a student refuses to comply with one of the three alternative options provided, they will be subject to administrative removal from class until they select one of the appropriate options or for the remainder of the day. Students with multiple dress code violations may be subject to further disciplinary interventions.

Student ID Cards

Students at all times during the school day and at all school activities must carry a student ID card. A student ID card must be presented when requested by any staff member at any time, including when students board school buses, check in/out of offices and drop in centers, check out materials from the library or student help desk, attend school events, and take standardized tests.

Students not in possession of a student ID card may be denied admission to buses or school activities, and will receive consequences for not being in possession of proper identification.

Freedom of Expression

  1. The School Board reaffirms the right guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.
  2. The school reserves the right to maintain a safe and orderly learning environment.
  3. Expressions must be in accordance with established board policies and administrative procedures, including but not limited to, Board Policies 7:20Harassment of Students; 7:160Student Appearance; 7:180Prevention of and Response to Bullying, Intimidation, and Harassment; 7:185Teen Dating Violence Prohibited; 7:190Student Behavior; 7:315Restrictions on Publications.
  4. Board policies and procedures available from building Principal or at School Board office.

Lunchroom Expectations

  1. Students must eat in the school cafeteria during their assigned lunch period.
  2. Students are to arrive at the cafeteria within 2 minutes after the bell.
  3. Students are responsible for having their own lunch or lunch money. Borrowing of food/money is prohibited.
  4. Students are to maintain cleanliness of the tables and floors, clean up spills, dispose of trash properly, and return trays to the appropriate place.
  5. Students are to treat cafeteria staff and supervisors with respect and follow their directions.
  6. Cafeteria seating is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  7. Lunch deliveries from 3rd party vendors are strictly prohibited.

The school reserves the right to assign student(s) to a specific table and/or lunch period. Students who fail to follow these expectations will be subject to disciplinary action(s).

Appeals Process

LTHS encourages communication and supports the rights of individuals to express academic or disciplinary concerns appropriately without interfering with the education process. Most issues are easily resolved if begun directly with the person involved.

  1. Student/parent concerns start with the individual staff member. (Counselor may mediate at request of any of above.)
  2. If unresolved, the next contact is the division chair, athletic director, or activities director.
  3. If still unresolved, the next contact is the appropriate Administrator (Assistant Principal or Associate Principal).
  4. If still unresolved, appeal to the building Principal.


First Level

Second Level

Third Level

Fourth Level









Cheating and/or








Coach Sponsor

Athletic Director Activities



Curriculum/ Instruction


Division Chair

Assistant Principal or Associate


Director of Curriculum Instruction

Discipline note:

Any disciplinary appeal must be made within ten

(10) calendar days of the






Principal (1-9 day suspension n)

10 day

suspension (Principal)

Expulsion (Superintendent/ School Board)

*Discrimination/ Harassment

Assistant Principal

Associate Principal Division Chair

Principal Dir. of Human


Fee Waiver









Level Change


Division Chair

Medical PE Waiver


Division Chair for Physical



PE Waiver

Division Chair for Physical Welfare






Special Education


Special Education Division Chair

Due process as prescribed

by law





Student Discipline - Lyons Township High School District 204 (2024)


Who is in charge of discipline at school? ›

School administrators are responsible for enforcing the school's code of conduct and disciplinary policies. They ensure that students adhere to the rules and maintain a respectful and orderly environment.

Where does Lyons Township High School rank in Illinois? ›

Overview of Lyons Twp High School

Lyons Twp High School is ranked 53rd within Illinois.

Who is the principal of Lyons Township High School? ›

Jen Tyrrell - Principal - Lyons Township High School District 204 | LinkedIn.

What middle schools feed into Lyons Township High School? ›

Associate Schools
  • Highlands Middle School. 1850 Plainfield Road LaGrange, IL 60525. ...
  • McClure Junior High School. 4225 Wolf Road Western Springs, IL 60558. ...
  • Nazareth Academy. 1209 West Ogden Avenue LaGrange Park, IL 60526. ...
  • Park Junior High School. 325 N. ...
  • Pleasantdale Middle School. 7450 S. ...
  • St. Cletus. ...
  • St. Francis Xavier. ...
  • St.

How many kids attend Lyons Township High School? ›

Lyons Township High School is a top rated, public school located in LA GRANGE, IL. It has 3,842 students in grades 9-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 15 to 1.

How do you enforce student discipline? ›

  1. 11 Techniques for Better Classroom Discipline. Here are eleven techniques that you can use in your classroom that will help you achieve effective group management and control. ...
  2. Focusing. ...
  3. Direct Instruction. ...
  4. Monitoring. ...
  5. Modeling. ...
  6. Non-Verbal Cuing. ...
  7. Environmental Control. ...
  8. Low-Profile Intervention.

What is a disciplinary violation in school? ›

The word “disciplinary” is often used in schools to describe various types of punishments for misbehaviors. Some examples of disciplinary actions that may be taken by a school are detention, suspension, expulsion, or sending a student to the principal's office.

What punishment should be given to students? ›

7 Positive punishment examples to discipline in the classroom
  • Differences between positive and negative punishment. ...
  • 1) Adjusting the volume and tone of your voice. ...
  • 2) Assigning an unpleasant task. ...
  • 3) Adding rules. ...
  • 4) Removing the student from the classroom. ...
  • 5) Detention. ...
  • 6) Time out. ...
  • 7) Overcorrection.
Feb 1, 2024

What is the #1 high school in Illinois? ›

Walter Payton College Preparatory High School was ranked as the No. 1 high school in Illinois, followed by Northside College Preparatory High School at No. 2. Rounding out the top five were Young Magnet High School at No.

What is the richest school district in Illinois? ›

Illinois Median Household Income School District Rank
RankMedian Household Income ▼School District / Population
1.$205,161Winnetka School District 36 / 12,008
2.$193,750Kenilworth School District 38 / 3,006
3.$170,822Glencoe School District 35 / 8,696
4.$155,180Hinsdale Community Consolidated School District 181 / 26,135
159 more rows

What is the number one school district in Illinois? ›

Adlai E. Stevenson High School District 125 takes the No. 1 ranking again for 2024.

Who is the head football coach at Lyons Township High School? ›

LA GRANGE, IL — Lyons Township High School has named Jon Beutjer as the new Lions varsity football coach, replacing Dan Hartman, who stepped down and is moving out of state, according to a school news release.

What is the motto of Lyons Township? ›

The quest for the fulfilling life

What is the history of Lyons Township High School? ›

Lyons Township High School, known as LTHS within the community, was voted into existence in 1888. It was the sixth township high school to be created in Illinois. Its first graduating class in 1891 was seven young women; today, graduating classes number in the high 900s or low 1000s.

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Wednesday was the last day ever for Lindsay Place High School in Pointe-Claire as it is set to become St. Thomas High School following a merger. Staff and former students gathered outside the building for a final farewell.

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CHILLICOTHE, Ohio — Students at Unioto High School were under lockdown after a student was transported to the hospital after a reported overdose. Multiple deputies responded to the high school, along with medics from Scioto Township and Union Township at around 1:30 p.m. on Friday.

What happened at Metea Valley High School? ›

A former choir teacher at Metea Valley High School has been sentenced to nine years in prison for having inappropriate sexual contact with a student, according to the DuPage County State's Attorney's Office.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.