Warhammer Fantasy: A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism (2024)

Character Sheets


Frederick von Hohenzollern

Date of Birth:



: Elector Count of Ostland, Grand Prince of Ostland, Margrave of the Northern March, Prince of Wulfenburg, Hero of Nordland, The Steel Bull of Ostland, Hero of Ostland, Slayer of the Everliving, the Unkillable, Steward of the Third Imperial Fleet, Gromril Belly, Dwarf Friend to Josef Bugman, Goldgiver, Graf of Guns, Count of Cannons, Creator of the Blue Steel Concordant, Slayer of Warhoof, True Dawongr, Zakdrungi a Dum (Crazed Vanquisher Of Darkness), Das Azul (The Dependable), Unbaki a Thagi (Breaker Of Traitors), Sarathlecaidromstryn (Defiant Noble Souled Ally of Hope)


: 15,700


: Brain Wounder (Runefang of Ostland), Oskana the Gryphon with Runic Breastplate with Rune of Adamant (BD: 2325), The Light of Summer (Wood Elf Healing Artifact), Bokdrungni (Dwarf Runic Fist), Frozen Promise (Masterwork Ledstali 'Plate' Armor)

Fate Points:


Fortune Points

: 1

Description: You were once shorter, before Sigmar got his hands on you. About five inches taller than average, you are quite possibly one of the most thickly muscled men in the entire Empire. From your biceps, your pectorals, your abs, your thighs, to just about every part of you...there is thick and heavily corded musculature. Not only that, but it is oddly symmetrical and ludicrously well cut, without a hint of grotesqueness that should be present. Your dark blond hair has lightened and your dark green eyes have become more of a mixture of blue and emerald. Your time in the smithy as a youth has almost completely disappeared beneath a heavy wave of alcoholic stench yet an undercurrent of soot and molten metal remains. In other words, you look entirely out of place in court compared to past Hohenzollerns. Even your scars have faded slightly, for while they are most certainly still present they seem to be better formed, and somehow more rakish than they looked before. Before you had your entire jawbone torn off, you possessed quite the beard. In the time since, it has begun to regrow thicker than before you entered Karak Ungor and currently stretches just past your throat. Many scars lie across your chest, from when you were disemboweled and ritually carved apart, as well as along the left half of your head where your skull was shredded open by the daemon Skulltaker. The rest of your body is notably still scarred from acid burns and multiple sword-sized squig fangs raking across your body.

[Without shoes, boots, or similar footwear, you stand at an even 6'1", or 185.928 cm.]
Potentially Helpful Descriptive Aid

Though you stand at a relatively average height, you are certainly wider. Especially in the biceps and shoulders. A relatively short cut of dark blonde hair helps mark you out as the black sheep you were of the Hohenzollern family who were dominated by tall and black haired men and women. Your eyes are a dark green instead of the usual Hohenzollern blue, and all your time in the smithy has left you with a faint yet distinct smell of soot and molten metal. In other words, you looked entirely out of place in court next to your family. You usually wear armor that you made yourself, though you cannot possibly compete with the Runefang's craftsmanship. Your beard is somewhat unruly though you do groom it occasionally. At the moment it grows just down to the tops of your chest.
- Your torso, arms, and face are all covered with a network of scars ranging from individual lines to a spiderweb cracks along your upper chest to the massive gnarled line diagonally running down your entire front. Along your back are several dragging lines from being slammed backwards onto a bed of metal shards from your own destroyed armor.
- Your left arm was covered in several ragged bands of scar tissue, the result of your flesh being slightly and angrily flensed by malevolent Warp energies during the True Death of a Bloodthirster. More recently, you lost this arm under the gripping and ripping of the now dead Zacharias the Everliving. Your shoulder on the other hand has a gigantic spread of scar tissue when Zacharas - in vargheist form - bit a huge chunk out of it.
- A large puckered chunk of scar tissue marks where you were nearly disemboweled by a zombie Greatsword's weapon.

- All of the above once marked their way across your body, a massive map of scars that marked every time you nearly died, every wound big and small. However, after an unexpectedly supercharged healing spell woven by the Attuned Loremaster Aurelion was channeled into you during a day when the Wind of Magic blew strong indeed, they faded. Not entirely, but as if they underwent decades and decades of fading and healing until all that is left are faint small lines. Some scars disappeared entirely.
- Your interrogation and trials have resulted in notable


testing scars at the hands of the Witch Hunter General Anya and former Arch Lector Jung.
- A fifth of your left ear got eaten by your gryphon Oskana during the hatching process.
- Through the powerful healing magics of the High Spellsinger of the Laurelorn Wood Elves, Lady Sunweaver, your most recent scars are a fading angry red. Said scars include - a puckered puncture wound from a spear that pierced through your stomach and out your back, a jagged line from a digging hook in your shoulder, solid chunk of scar tissue resulting from a deep biting axe in your side and a similar chunk from one in your shoulder. On the top of your left thigh is a large splotch of scarring from a sword which pierced nearly through to the other side of your leg.
- Acid scars cover much of your body as well as the marks from multiple sword sized squig fangs tearing across your body. It's all rather alarming in volume, though remarkably your face and beard remained mostly undamaged.

Over the years of Frederick's life, he has gained fluency or at least some knowledge of a number of languages.

  • Reikspiel: Total fluency as a result of growing up in the Empire.
  • Kislevite: Total fluency as a result of marrying and desiring as much connection as possible with wife Natasha.
  • Classical: Significant fluency as a result of years of access to finances and being in a position to access materials and resources allowing him to learn it as he desired.
  • Bretonnian: Total fluency as a result of friendship with Sir Roland, Questing Knight of Bretonnia, and desiring to be able to speak it after interest in Bretonnia grew.
  • Khazalid: Total fluency as a result of soul interactions with the Realm of the Underearth, Domain of the Dwarf Ancestor God Gazul, including an infusion of donated soulstuff from three long-dead Dwarf nobility of Karak Ungor.
  • Grumbarth/Ogrish: Total fluency as a result of being brothers with Urgdug Greatbellow and general interactions with the rest of the Imperial Ogres of Ostland.
  • Norscan: General fluency as a result of 2300+ years of Imperial interactions with the Norscans, and before them the Norsii. The North of the Empire has unavoidably gained knowledge of their language after so many raids, attacks, trade missions, diplomatic efforts, and more.
  • Tilean: Extremely basic fluency due to the pervasiveness of mercenary work in Tilean culture, and mercenaries in general across the Old World.
  • Estalian: Basic fluency due to years of focus on aiding in growing the Estalian minority in Ostland, working to aid the Estalians in Estalia, and so on.
  • Arabyan: A few words at most.
  • Eltharin: Extremely basic fluency due to personal instruction by a Handmaiden of the Everqueen of the Asur.

Languages Not Known: Nehekharan, Indish, Cathayan, Nipponese, Khureshi, Saurian, Beast Tongue, Dark Tongue, Queekish.

Notable Kills:

  1. Khornate Norscan Champion [Partial Credit Shared With Natasha von Hohenzollern]​

  2. Chaos Knight Commander/Norscan Chieftain​

  3. Nurgle Chaos Warrior Champion​

  4. Slugtongue of the Beastmen, Champion of Nurgle​

  5. Nurgle Daemon Prince - Otto Gruber [True Death]​

  6. Bloodthirster of Khorne [True Death]​

  7. Zacharias the Everliving (Overlord of the Necrarch Bloodline Of Vampirekind)​

  8. Ghorros Warhoof (Progenitor of all Centigor sub-race of Beastmen)​

  9. Skaven Master Assassin Grol of Clan Eshin​

  10. Black Orc Warboss Zurkam Steelbrain – Daemonfused (Tzeentchian)​

  11. Jung, Former Arch Lector of Sigmar, Mutated Cultist of Tzeentch​

  12. U'Zhul - Skulltaker, Greatest Bloodletter of Khorne, Slayer of Kings, Blooded Wanderer, Khorne's Champion [Partial Credit Shared With Ungrim Ironfist, Slayer King of Karak Kadrin]​

  13. Orion, Avatar of Kurnous, Apex of the Savage Hunt, Twisted King of the Bloodstrewn Woods​

  14. Vorteshka Flayerblade, Avatar of Anath Raema, High Priestess of the Savage Hunt, Ur-Shade of Naggaroth [Credit Shared With Eldyra of Tiranoc, the Sisters of Twilight]​

  15. Drycha, Briarmaven of Woe, Handmaiden of Coeddil, Eldest And Most Malice-filled Dryad of Athel Loren [Credit Shared With Eldyra of Tiranoc, Naieth the Prophetess]​


: 4+2+1+2+1=10 (You were never the most tactful. Instead of a silver tongue, you had one of barbed iron. But over time, at the least, you are no worse than anyone else. Or any better.)


: 19+2+1+2+3+3+1+3+1+2=37 (You are one of the most proficient fighters in the world, your strength beyond what most mere mortal men could manage, your durability just slightly inhuman.)


: 8+2+1=11 (You know generally how to manage things.)


: 11+2+1+1=15 (You know a little better than most about skulking in the dark.)


: 5+2+1+1+3+4+2+2=20 (The God's themselves have actually divinely touched you...which goes quite away when your previous position was: The God's Aren't All That.)


: 20+2+1+1+4=28 (One of the most brilliant people in all of Ostland.)

  • Trait: Genius –Smart doesn´t even begin to describe you. (+2 All Stats)​

  • Trait: Blacksmith – You are knowledgeable in the ways of metal crafting. (+1 Martial, +1 Learning, Bonus to Weapons Research)​

  • Trait: Functioning Drunkard - The scent of alcohol is almost always on your breath, and your brain a bit fuzzier than would be considered acceptable by most other people. On the other hand, your brain doesn't disagree with you when you make what others would call foolhardy decisions. Years of this lifestyle and growing up in Ostland has allowed you to reach a state where sober or drunk people's reactions to you are almost always the same.​

  • Trait: Bravery – Facing some of the greatest horrors in the world has worn away the ability of fear to control you. You may experience the emotion, but never again will it be capable of locking down your body and mind. (+2 Martial)​

  • Trait: Racial Hatred - Necrarch vampires and undead in general have found a permanent place of hatred in their heart.​

  • Trait: Hard Life, Hard Body - Most battles are singular events. Most wars are spent waiting, with large fights at intervals. In contrast, you have lived through constant combat for several months, while supplied somewhat properly. Instead of the starvation of sieges, constant movement, fighting, sparring, and marching for nearly a full year has heavily conditioned your body for the worst, to ensure you stay alive that much longer. (+3 Martial)​

  • Trait: Tranquil Fury – Your fury has been forged from the boiling thing which threatened to overwhelm you at all times into a precise blade. (+3 Martial)
  • Trait: Long Rule - You have grown into an experienced leader, after two decades of service to the Empire you know so much more than you couldn't have learned without experiencing it. You are a ruler, and have done so for a long time. Hopefully longer. (+1 Normal Dynastic Actions)
  • Trait: Experienced - A Daemon Prince of Nurgle and a Bloodthirster of Khorne given True Death. Slaying the Overlord of an entire Vampire Bloodline. Out drinking Josef Bugman, meeting the legendary Ice Hags of Kislev, garnering a new Imperial School of Gunnery and Engineering and the Stewardship of the Third Imperial Navy for Ostland. You have seen, drunk, punched, killed, and generally experienced much. (+1 To All Stats)
  • Trait: Instinctual Tactician - Never took lessons for the making of war, and yet remains skilled at it nonetheless.
  • Trait: Proven Pure – Through intensive trials of the body, mind, and soul at the hands of Magnus the Pious, Grand Theogonist Gottfried, Arch Lector Jung, Arch Lector Hartmann, Witch Hunter General Anya Leitdorf, none on the Empire could possibly deny the purity of your being. (+1 Piety)
  • Trait: Graf of Guns - Substantially increased the amount of guns in the world.
  • Trait: Count of Cannons - Substantially increased the amount of cannons in the world.
  • Trait: Oathsworn - Swore an oath before mortals and Gods, albeit drunkenly. No one may take it seriously besides you, but that is enough.
  • Trait: Hated By All Centigor - By killing Ghorros Warhoof, Father of All Centigor, an entire species of the Beastman Race despises you and your family immensely. A general grudge against you and yours is now held by most beastmen in the Old World. Only time will tell what this means in the long run...
  • Trait: Ruthless - A willingness to utterly destroy the foe marks you. Pity and compassion for the enemy is useless barring rare circ*mstances. (+1 Intrigue).
  • Trait: Scarred - Interrogated by Witch Hunter General Anya, and though you were proven pure, the scars of said interrogation remain...
  • Trait: Badly Scarred - Mortal wounds, though healed by the Wood Elf Sunweaver, leave quite the few scars.
  • Trait: Grotesquely Abundant Scarring - A truly horrific amount of the body is covered in scars. This is the body of someone who has survived multiple so called 'mortal wounds'. In this case, that of being eaten and slathered in the ruinous acids of a Colossal Squig.
  • Trait: Scarfade - Of all the scars this one has sustained in his life, all have seemed to wash away after close exposure to the Everqueen Alarielle the Radiant, for whom the title Radiant is most appropriate. Of interrogation by Witch Hunters, wounds taken in saving the Wood Elves of Laurelorn, and further those of Karak Ungor, these have become thinned and reduced, some disappearing entirely along with a host of aches and pains so long held they have become forgotten. The scars are not gone, not truly, but they have faded significantly.
  • Trait: Sigmar's Mien - The Heldenhammer has blessed you for hewing so close to his path through your actions! Your height and musculature have grown while your eyes and hair have lightened! Strangely, this transformation only seemed to manifest after you began to walk about again, after it was sure that you would live. Also, you are inexplicably just a bit more...durable than before. The Gods work in mysterious ways it seems. (+3 Martial, +3 Piety, +3 Diplomacy With Sigmarites). [+5 Inches of Height, +15 Pounds of Divine Muscle, Overall Toughness Increase, Physicality Warped]
  • Trait: Religious Revelation – A revelation has come forth in this man's soul. Blessed by the Heldenhammer and faced with an unholy combination of Sigmar's eldest foes gave rise to faith and strength that was never there before! (+4 Piety)
  • Trait: The Undaunted - Sheer exposure to a vast variety and breadth of pain from innumerable sources has heavily inured both mind and body to the sensation. Pain is still felt, but its grip over reaction and thought is greatly reduced. (+1 Martial)​

  • Trait: Touched By The Underearth - Was it a hallucination? No. It cannot have been. To be spoken to, to have felt the influence of, to be affected by the powers of one beyond, it is impossible to deny. (+2 Piety, +2 Diplomacy With Dwarfs)​

  • Trait: Dawongr of Karaz Ankor - Recognized across every major Dwarf Hold for deeds within Karak Ungor, and granted a great amount of respect by those who would respect such positive opinions of the dwarfs. A name so-well known engenders respect or at least the appearance of it for many. (+2 Diplomacy, +5 Diplomacy With Dwarfs, -1 Diplomacy With Elves)
  • Trait: Robust Soul - Something of the incredible solidness of the Underearth and its God have seeped into the soul of one who willingly took it in. Later somewhat revealed to be that the Ancestor God Gazul infused Frederick's weakened and reduced soul with portions of those who had long-passed into the Underearth. It was this influence which has granted an unintended fluency with written and spoken Khazalid, with other effects still unknown. (+2 Piety, Other Effects ???)
  • Trait: Subject of Song And Story - Whether this individual likes it or not, tales and songs of their deeds in life have become somewhat well-known. This can be a boon or a curse, depending on how one looks at it, but at the least, it is undeniable that all but the most antithetic individuals of the subject will have to grant them some respect. (+1 Diplomacy)
  • Trait: Masterful Engineer of Ostland – Not a traditionally ordained or mohawk'd engineer, their expertise and knowledge is enough to qualify them regardless. Skill and knowledge about weaponry and their usages have known benefits, at least for one's personal equipment! (+2 Martial, +4 Learning)
  • Trait: Deepest Soulbond: A connection without compare, carrying emotion and sensation from one to the other. An entwining of the soul, as befitting a love which burns so brightly with freezing heat and burning cold. (Can sense emotions, direction, of bond recipients. ???)
  • Trait: Warmth In Winter – The freezing cold cannot seem to hold nearly so strong on you as before, for your flesh and soul are bonded with one who is one with the freezing cold. (Frederick is no longer negatively affected by Natasha's inherent freezing temperatures. Strong resistance to regular cold temperatures)

Opinion of Husband By Wife: 9.5/10
Opinion of Wife by Husband: 10/10


Natasha von Hohenzollern (nee Romanov)

Date of Birth:



Lady Natasha, Countess Natasha, Princess Natasha, The Ice Mother, The Bull's Leash, Larhathalumalav (Vengeful Savagery of Ice)


: Cold Certainty [Ledstali Masterwork 'Plate' Armor], Personally Forged Blade By Frederick von Hohenzollern, Necklace of Frost [Power Stone Necklace]

Fate Points:

Description: Before her recent alterations by the Ancient Widow, Natasha was an exemplar of classical Gospodarin beauty. Tall, imposing, her features entrancingly exotic by the standards of the Empire, a remnant of the tribal origins of the Godpodar. Her skin is pale, always, and her hair a fetching straight pale gold. Her eyes were once both piercing blue, sometimes altering slightly in coloration when she drew upon her magic. Now, strips of her hair have been turned stark white, and some of those strips are as strawlike and fragile to the touch of an incredibly aged woman. A visible aura of cold surrounds her now at all times, reddening the skin of any who touch her own. The nails of her left hand are sharp grey iron claws that, and her left eye has been blessed - or mutated - by the Widow into that of a Frostfiend's, a bestial pure red with white slit.








: 17+2=19


: 7+2+1+1+4+4+2+5=26


: 20+4+2=26

Trait: Scholar - loves learning whatever they can (+4 Learning, +2 Piety,

-2 Intrigue, -2 Martial

) [Martial And Intrigue Penalty Removed With Personal Actions]
Trait: Attractive – Quite beautiful (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Journeyman Ice Mage - A relatively experienced user of ice magic, enough to comfortably use it in battle. Female Children may be born with Ice Mage trait. (+2 martial, +2 learning, +1 Piety)
Trait: Racial Hatred - Necrarch vampires and undead in general have found a permanent place of hatred in their heart.
Trait: Twin Bearer - A respectable feat, done twice.
Trait: Triplet Bearer - Gave birth to healthy triplets.
Trait: Vengeful - Refusing to surrender to grief, she has forged her internal turmoil into energy and fury aimed towards her own goals.
Trait: Monstrous Mother – Gave birth to three children, horribly twisted by darkness and tainted, bearing the symbols of Chaos. The birthing was horrific, and nearly killed her many times over. But worse is that she was forced to slay these abominations by her own hand, scarring her soul as much as her body. (Extreme Health Issues Negated By Jade Wizards/Shallyan Priestesses/Sigmarite Priests, -2 Diplomacy To Certain Characters, +2 Diplomacy To Certain Characters)
Trait: Hard-Hearted – It takes a certain and permanent hardening of the heart to kill children, especially one's own, regardless of how tainted they may have been. A tragedy, indeed. (+2 Intrigue, +2 Martial)
Trait: Matriarchal – Has given birth to many a child, and was forced to slay three of them due to their tainted births. Stands at the head of a powerful province, hand-in-hand with its Count, and has well learned a presence of indomitable stature. (+3 Diplomacy, +1 Piety, +1 Stewardship)
Trait: Subject of Succor – The immense horror of dealing with killing three of her children with no one else in the family around shattered this woman. Only by seeking out comfort in the arms of the Gods did she find herself again, and has been somewhat renewed as a woman as a result. (+4 Piety, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait Religious Revelation – Three children, corrupted by darkness even in the safety of her womb, and one saved by the mark of another. Is it any wonder that this woman's faith has bloomed now despite the length of time she spent shunning it? (+4 Piety)
Trait: Tri-Scarred – Three abominations birthed by the deathly intent of the Dark Powers nearly slew her. She will forever bear the scars of this birthing upon her body, for despite the best attempts of many a healer they remain. One long scar, one for each creature as it did its best to kill its mother. Only the fourth lived, pure and untainted. Or at least, it was thought that such scars were beyond the works of the Empire, and perhaps that remains true yet...
Trait: Secondhand Blessed - Gave birth to a child who was marked by Ulric, and strongly so, whilst also surviving the corruption of its siblings within the womb. (+2 Piety, +2 Diplomacy With Most Ulricans)
Trait: Unyielding - Will not easily brook decisions and actions that go against her own. Only strong logic or emotion could dissuade her from reacting overly negatively to such things. Her will is nigh indomitable. (+1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Everqueen Exposure – While not precisely physically touched, the powers of the Everqueen were exercised in an instant against the vile touch of Chaos for which Isha shall stand against in every form now and forever. Scars of Chaos itself were reduced until they were naught, and flesh was reinvigorated by the Radiant's power so closely born. That which had tainted her was cleansed. The Everqueen does not abide Chaos, and in this, She continued Her works.
Trait: Long-Term Experience - Though not naturally talented in martial matters, long-term exposure to, sparring with, training alongside, and more to those who are had paid dividends. Years of being married to her husband, and sparring regularly with both him and their children, has formed muscle and ingrained forms that some might never manage. (+3 Martial)
Trait: Expert-Taught - While she had received a smattering of martial training - both personal and in tactics - as a child, it could not compare to being taught by and working with absolute experts whether through experience or trained knowledge for others. It is never too late to begin learning at the foot of those who are willing to teach. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced Diplomat - Has run the diplomatic works of Ostland for many years, earning significant experience in such matters. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Courtly Fixture - Has spent enough time at, attending, or holding court in a place of importance to be rightfully said to be a courtly fixture, with all of the connections, respect, and experience such a term would infer. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: By The Widow's Cruel But Motherly Embrace - Even if one survives the icy touch of the Ancient Widow, one cannot possibly be without change, to the body...and to the soul. Let the cold in. (+3 Martial, +5 Piety, +2 Diplomacy with Kislev Kattarinite Pantheon Worshippers, -2 Diplomacy With Certain Zealots Of Other Faiths)
Trait: Deepest Soulbond: A connection without compare, carrying emotion and sensation from one to the other. An entwining of the soul, as befitting a love which burns so brightly with freezing heat and burning cold. (Can sense emotions, direction, of bond recipients. ???)
Trait: Winter's Flame – There can be a gentleness to winter, to the cold. Where once fire burnt, and heat pained, it no longer needs be so. The sun beats down upon the glaciers and does not melt them completely, after all. (Natasha is less affected by higher ambient temperatures, nearness to flames, and bodies of others.)



Alexandra von Hohenzollern

Date of Birth:



: Princess of Ostland, Royal Aide of the Tzarina, Lady Whitecrest, The Rose Of Kislev City, Snowblood, Grandmaster Nadzirateli, Droyaska (Swordmaster), Regent of Kislev


: Eight Steel Stilettos, 1 Silverine Dagger, 1 Purse of Teeth, 2 Master-crafted Gromril Plated Pistols, Thundertusk РокМороз - or Doomfrost in Reikspeil, Custom Ledstali 'Plate' Armor


: Poisons Kit [Manbane Toxin, Blackroot Toxin, Nightshade Deliriant, Madman's Cap, 'Black Ale'], 2 Stiletto Thigh Holsters, 4 Stiletto Torso Holsters, 1 Stiletto Hair Holster, 1 Stiletto Wrist Holster, Pistol Thigh Holster, Pistol Back Holster, Concealed Ammo/Powder Bag, Frostfiend Fang Necklace

Fate Points:


Description: A tall and attractive woman, Alexandra is a notable beauty of Kislev, with shoulder-length hair that is unnaturally white and bears a faint tinge of coldness. At court, she is immaculate, but if one finds her outside of it she often has soot marking her due to all her times in the forges. When not lightly scented with some of the finest perfumes in the world, a faint scent of soot and molten metal follows her everywhere, but it doesn't seem to bother her at all. Though she spends a considerable amount of time outside, as well as within the smoke and soot of the forges, Alexandra's skin remains pale. Her green eyes blaze with a tremendous frantic energy, though there are visible bags under her eyes sometimes. As she lives into her third decade, a faint blue shade began to grow more prominent amongst the green of her eyes.

Notable Kills: Vladimir Bohkha, Serenea Bohkha, Nicholas Fedokov, x5 Frostshard Servitors, Ultilla (Ungol Chieftain's Son), Frostfiend, Ultilla (Ungol Chieftain), x10 Huscarls of Dolgan Chieftain Sevar, x3 Lahmian Vampires (Thralls) + Mistress Lusha (3rd Generation Lahmian)








: 16+2+2+4+1+3=28


: 5+2+2+3+2+2+3+2=21



Trait: Twin – Was born identical in appearance, personality, and ability to their sibling; Anna Hohenzollern.
Trait: Master Ice Mage - An master of ice magic, among the best of those touched by the cold weaves of the Ancient Widow. Female Children may be born with Ice Mage trait. (+3 martial, +3 learning, +2 Piety)
Trait: Tzarina's Apprentice - The personal and sole apprentice to Tzarina Kattarin, widely called the most powerful non Ice Hag wielder of Ice Magic in the history of Kislev. The Tzarina, a strong proponent of worshiping the Ancient Widow, is tutoring Alexandra in all things she feels that her apprentice should know. This even includes courtly intrigue. (+2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship, +2 Learning, +2 Piety, +2 Intrigue)
Trait: Extensively Tutored By The Ice Hags - Was personally taught by the ancient and wizened Ice Hags of Kislev for a quite some time. Her knowledge and dedication to the Widow as well as her magical might has increased as a result. (+3 Martial, +3 Piety)
Trait: Poison Master - A mysterious woman from...somewhere...was contracted by the Tzarina Kattarin of Kislev to teach her student all that can be taught about poisons the world over as part of her courtly apprenticeship. Later on, Alexandra continued her education through various other means... (+4 Intrigue)
Trait: Attractive – A woman of great beauty, tinged with the awing ethereal nature of all Ice Mages of Kislev. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Genius –Smart doesn´t even begin to describe you. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Educated Diplomat - Years of working under her mother has inured her to the nuances of diplomacy. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Experienced Courtier - Passing between the courts of the three great cities of Kislev - and many an estate between them - has sharpened the senses and filled the mind with valuable and otherwise un-teachable knowledge on the nature of courtly life. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Racial Hatred - Necrarch vampires and undead in general have found a permanent place of hatred in their heart.
Trait: Dwarven Taught Blacksmith [Master] - Under the tutelage of the Master Dwarf Blacksmith Borgin Thorleksson, Alexandra von Hohenzollern has become one of the most proficient human smiths of the Old World (+2 Martial, +3 Learning)
Trait: Obsession Completed – Pursued an incredible project to the detriment of herself and others until she completed it, retaining the knowledge and later healing her body and mind in recovery from said efforts. (+3 Learning)
Trait: Hailstorm Hair - An unexpected glacial surge while performing a dangerous experiment involving ice magic has transformed the very hair of this person white as pure snow...with a faint aura of coldness to her mane to match. This is taken by many as a sign of the Widow's Favor, and the bearer cannot help but agree. (+2 Piety, +1 Diplomacy With Widow Adherents)
Trait: Scholar of the Ancient Widow: Has studied vast amounts of texts and learned from speaking to Kattarin the Bloody and the Ice Hags of Kislev, resulting in being extensively well learned in all things relating to the Widow. (+3 Learning, +3 Piety)
Trait: Culture Crosser: A deep entrenchment in a different culture for so long, while maintaining connections to ones original home, has resulted by necessity a growth in tolerance and the ability to shift between wildly differing groups. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Diplomacy With Ungol Tribesman)
Trait: Ritual Survivor - The Trial Of The Frostfiend is a sacred and ancient thing to many of the northernmost Ungol tribes, but it has rarely ever been completed, even less so by outsiders successfully. This individual happens to be one of those handful exceptions, and they bear the never-fading scars forever on their person and soul. Whether or not the ritual actually confers blessings of the spirits of Kislev, somehow drained the eldritch power of the Frostfiend into this person's essence, or it is the ancient concoctions of the Ungol Wise Women which are responsible, it is undeniable that something has changed for this person. (+2 Base Martial, +3 Base Piety, -1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Nadzirateli Founder - A secretive religious-focused branch of the Chekist, focused upon the all-important matters of the soul and its myriad threats in the world. Some might call them a bit of an inquisitional group, but the Wardens simply care deeply for the souls of Kislev's people - and for protecting them from untoward influences. (+3 Intrigue, +2 Piety)
Trait: Droyaska - Has learned many weapons, but none so impressively as the blade, learning at the side of the prodigal Tzarina herself and her many children, wandering Estlian diestros, as well as champions of the dawi and even some wandering elves with hard-purchased lessons. (+3 Martial, +2 Diplomacy With Kislevites)


: Anna von Hohenzollern

Date of Birth:



: Princess of Ostland, Master Engineer of Ostland, Slayer's Student, Inventor, The Gun Bull, The Blackhand, Anna Bloodfrost, Salvatore d'Remas, Hero of Nuln


: The Gun Bag (Multiple Customized Handguns, Extra Ammo, Rapid Fire), The Tool Bag (Wrenches, screwdrivers, screws, nuts, bolts, etc.), Shredder Axe (Prototype Serrated Revolving Axe)

Fate Points:

Description: A tall and attractive woman, the very first thing that someone notices about Anna von Hohenzollern is the enormous stuck up mohawk, dyed the Ostland black and white and stuck up with pig grease like the traditional mohawk of the Dwarven Slayer. A sign of respect and station amongst Ostland Engineers after their first ever Chief Engineer, the Slayer Master Engineer Valma. The scent of grease and oil follows her everywhere. Her green eyes glow with a lingering coldness. Other than that, she is practically identical to her twin.

Notable Kills: Night Goblin Warboss Gazz Gazz Da Raidmastah, Night Goblin Warboss Squigitus, Warplock Jezzail Team At Extreme Range, Black Orc Underboss Braggud Runtcruncher, Alpha Arachnarok Bigsy, Night Goblin Warboss Borl the Giant








: 16+2+1+2+1=22


: 2+2+1+3=8



Trait: Twin – Identical in appearance, personality, and ability to their sibling; Alexandra Hohenzollern.
Trait: Journeyman Ice Mage - A relatively experienced user of ice magic, enough to comfortably use it in battle. Female Children may be born with Ice Mage trait. (+2 martial, +2 learning, +1 Piety)
Trait: Attractive – Quite adorable as a child, quite beautiful as an adult. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Genius –Smart doesn´t even begin to describe you. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Educated Diplomat - Years of working under her mother has inured her to the nuances of diplomacy. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Racial Hatred - Necrarch vampires and undead in general have found a permanent place of hatred in their heart.
Trait: Patient – Caution and patience will ensure success, at least in her mind. (+1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning)
Trait: Master Engineer of Ostland - Has graduated to a fully ordained Engineer of Ostland, and bears the white and black mohawk of Ostlands Engineer Corps proudly. (+2 Martial, +4 Learning)
Trait: Tutored By Master Dwarven Engineer - Though her tutor was a Dwarven Slayer, old Valma was a Master Engineer with centuries of experience. Personally being taught and coupled with Anna's own startling intelligence allowed her to absorb an extensive amount of knowledge. On the other hand, the rather caustic nature of her dwarf teacher rubbed off on her personality. (+2 Learning, -2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Foul Mouthed - She was apprenticed to a bitter Slayer Engineer who drinks heaviky, even for a dwarf. What did you expect? (-1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Functioning Drunkard - She is her father's daughter, often guzzling ale and various other types of alcoholic drinks at a pace that would stagger most men and women. Long experience and stupendous developed tolerance has allowed her to act without notable detriment despite being drunk.
Trait: Hatred of Greenskins - Was nearly slain by greenskins at Karak Ungor, and is furious about it. Will fight that much harder against them to prevent such from happening again. (+2 Martial When Fighting Greenskins)
Trait: Heavily Scarred - Possesses numerous scars from wounds sustained by greenskins, as well as a portion where most of her body was nearly bisected by falling rubble.
Trait: Hohenzollern Fury - An increasingly noticable trait amongst Hohenzollerns which manifests as a red haze which makes one more reckless but far more dangerous. (+3 Martial)
Trait: Permafrost Personality – As a result of a bad glacial surge while casting ice magic, this person was irrevocably changed to their core. Their emotions are usually muted and their demeanor is cold enough that weak willed people will flinch at their seemingly permanent cold gaze. On the other hand, their mind has been left with a disturbing amount of focus now that 'distractions' are less likely to affect them. (-2 Diplomacy, +2 Learning, +1 Martial) [Note: With regards to Hatred, Fury, or similar traits, these are somewhat suppressed but still manifest as a lingering heat within the mind of the individual afflicted with Permafrost Personality which would allow them cold focus and attention 'filling up' the spot of blinding red rage.]
Trait: Bloody Silence - The total lack of excess movement and addition of precisely controlled breathing that has come about from the greater deadening of her emotions has left Anna von Hohenzollern with a startlingly good ability at being utterly silent when she wishes to, up to and including in battle. (+2 Intrigue,+2 Martial)
Trait: Extreme Hatred of Skaven - Despises the utterly chaotic machinery design of skaven, and also finds their very existence violently repulsive in the extreme. Is wary of their skulking tactics and nature... (+3 Martial When Fighting Skaven, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: The Red Frost - Her mind and body have been heavily steeped in savage violence, both as a skill and experience. It rarely emerges, but when it does, the effect is notable. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Fevered Fervor - Clear examples of the works of the Gods and the most stringent of desperation drove her into the arms of the faith. (+3 Piety)
Trait: Dawongr of Karaz Ankor - Recognized across every major Dwarf Hold for deeds within Karak Ungor, and granted a great amount of respect by those who would respect such positive opinions of the dwarfs. A name so-well known engenders respect or at least the appearance of it for many. (+2 Diplomacy, +5 Diplomacy With Dwarfs, -1 Diplomacy With Elves)
Trait: Southern Aversion - Anna does not have fond memories of the south, and does not desire to return below the Northern Trident for as long as she possibly can.


Negated by Permafrost Personality

Anna von Hohenzollern's Branch


: Natasha 'Tasha' von Hohenzollern


2330 IC


: Princess of Ostland



Fate Points

: 0

Description: As she has grown older, her mixed heritage has only grown more strongly present. A mixture between Imperial, Kislevite, and Tilean has created an all together unique yet cute appearance. Her hair is the blonde of the Hohenzollerns while retaining the straight curtain of the Romanovs, her skin the olive of pure Tilean stock, with her face a generally agreed to be aesthetically pleasing mixture of all three. Said descriptor being provided by her mother. For the most part, she maintains an expression disturbingly close to the dead and emotionless face of her mother Anna, but unlike her mother she is fully capable of naturally providing a full range of emotions.


: 17+2+3+1=23


: 9+1+1+2=13


: 15+1+1=17


: 12+1+1=14


: 14+2=16


: 13+1+1+3+1=19

Trait: Attractive – Aesthetically pleasing in physicality. Likely to be an advantage if used properly. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Racial Hatred (1) – Vampires. Shades. Undead in general. Largely antithetical to Ostlander existence.
Trait: Racial Hatred (2) – Skaven are disgusting creatures. Worthless. Dangerous. They must always be watched for. Killed.
Trait: Patient – Tantrums and outbursts are pointless. (+1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning)
Trait: Protocoled Purpose – Education was mandatory. Actual absorption was required. A course of life given, investment to be returned. Onwards, child. (+1 Martial, +1 Learning, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Mixed Blood - By her olive skin she is clearly not of pure Imperial stock, and though this is not terribly remarked upon by some, for others it is an affront. Others, an exoticism to be examined. (+1/-1 Diplomacy with certain individuals/groups)
Trait: Prim And Proper – The abilities of the mother cannot necessarily be replicated. Learning must be used to fill in the resultant gaps. Seek supplement. Apply. Apply again until proper integration is achieved. (+3 Diplomacy, +3 Learning)
Trait: Subordinate Specialist – Experience through assistance. Attending lecture and meetings at the hand of those elsewise there by virtue of their own knowledge. Learn what is observed. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Martial, +1 Stewardship, +2 Piety, +1 Learning)
Trait: Masterful Instruction – A truly effective foundation and increasing mastery of one's own body and mind through intensive training at the hands of one who has largely mastered such things. (+2 Martial)



Magnus von Hohenzollern


: 2309


: Prince of Ostland, Heir Apparent of Ostland, Son of the Steel Bull, Magnus the Strong, Dwarf Friend (Gorrin the Chisel), Goblin Breaker, Dwarf Friend (Karak Ungor), the Screaming Bull, Magnus Redfist


: Stonebreaker, Full Plate Armor, Two Belt Knives, Brace of Pistols, Masterworked Kislevite Saber


: 4,500

Fate Points

: 0

Description: Magnus von Hohenzollern is a picture perfect rendition of the Hohenzollerns of old. Or really, more like the ancient Udoses. Tall but not quite to the point of towering, piercing blue eyes stare our from a handsome face that possesses a few intriguing scars. His hair is jet black and slightly shaggy in the manner of those olden days, but not so unkempt as to look bad. His body is quite obviously well muscled, even when concealed beneath armor or clothes. Terrifying conviction burns in his blue eyes. In ages past he would be the perfect image of the barbarian hero, but there is now the faint constraints of civility about him in a manner that interests most women.

Notable Kills: Black Orc Big Boss Borgar Doomroar, Night Goblin Warboss Gitrip Eight-Arm, Alpha Arachnarok 'Daisy', Rat Tank – Quartrik's Glory, Rat Tank – Quartrik's Glory III, Skaven High Plague Priest Mrik, Dhar-Meargh Athnatch


: 9+1+2+2+2+2+2+1=21






: 13+2+1+1=17


: 10+2+2+4+2+2+2+1=25


: 20+2=22

Trait: Fraternal Triplet – Differs in appearance, personality, and ability to their siblings; Arthur von Hohenzollern and Oskar von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Racial Hatred - Necrarch vampires and undead in general have found a permanent place of hatred in their heart.
Trait: Tall – As an adult towers over the heads of almost anyone. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Strong – Even as a child he displayed greater strength than his peers. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Genius – Possesses a mind brighter than most others. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Attractive – Adorable as a child, extremely handsome as a man. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Experienced Tactician - Learning from a variety of sources from an early age results in an informed tactical mind. Using them repeatedly, and refining them, of an experienced one. (+3 Martial)
Trait: Tempered Fury – Has inherited the rages of his father, and has tempered it with experience and self-control (+2 Martial)
Trait: Conviction – Death of a loved one scarred the young mind, this is true. However, it also left a seed of iron determination that has grown strong. (+1 Martial)
Trait: Father Proven Pure - Watched as his father, lashed to a stake, did not burn despite the spat curses, effort and vitriol of an Arch Lector of Sigmar, and was instead seemingly blessed by the same God. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Tremendously Scarred – Sustained mortal wounds and only barely survived due to the presence of a Jade Wizard Lord and several priests. Though now healed, the body will likely forever bear the scars.
Trait: Survivor of Fatal Poisons- Dozens of varied and deadly night goblin poisons and toxins flowed through his veins. The damage dealt to the body will take quite some time to heal, if it ever does so fully. At the same time, your body now carries a bit of a resistance to such substances as a lasting mark of your survival. [Through a combination of luck, stubbornness, and healing from Jade Wizards and Priests, the damage has been healed, -2 Martial Reduction Removed, Poison Resistance Remains]
Trait: Heart of Steel – Cast of immense emotional turmoil but quenched by fearlessness, a heart of steel beats in the heart of the Son of the Steel Bull. Respect and be wary of evil…but do not fear it ever again. (+2 Martial).
Trait: Religious Revelation – In the darkness...swallowed by fear and choked by horror…this man found Faith as a shining beacon. He feels truly saved by that faith, and is thusly that much more dedicated to it. (+4 Piety)
Trait: Pragmatic - Honor has its place. But so too does pragmatism. This man may respect the former but if a solution presents itself he will not balk from the latter. (+1 Intrigue)
Trait: Sigmar's Hatred (Greenskins) - You are possessed of an incredibly righteous fury when facing the green menace of the world, as if the anger of Sigmar himself when facing the greenskins of the past flows through your veins. This sensation of being somehow closer to your God suffuses you and manifests even stronger when facing any kind of greenskin. (+3 Martial Against Greenskins, +1 Martial Standard, +2 Piety)
Trait: Dawongr - Your manner reminds dwarfs of their ancient promises to Sigmar. Even the most stubborn and disapproving dwarf cannot help but be strongly reminded of those days, and as a result put much more weight in your words than before. (+ 4 Diplomacy With Dwarves)
Trait: Hatred of Greenskins - Every goblin in the world deserves to die. Every orc does as well. The mere sight of them demands their death and ruination! (+2 Martial When Facing Greenskins)
Trait: Dauntless Fury - Swallowed by righteous fury, in Sigmar's name, to the point that even many minor wounds are ignored utterly outright when in battle. Pain is nothing before Sigmar's might. (+1 Martial, Reduced Penalties When Wounded While Fighting)
Trait: Desperate Devotion - The near loss of his father in the depths of Karak Ungor drove this one to even greater heights of devotion to Sigmar, out of desperation and desire. (+1 Martial, +2 Piety)
Trait: Faith Full - Many avenues were sought, and priests spoken with, in the depths of Karak Ungor. Of the Gods of the Empire, and of the Dawi, to provide perhaps just the slightest chance for a miracle. The knowledge remains, even now. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Dawongr of Karaz Ankor - Recognized across every major Dwarf Hold for deeds within Karak Ungor, and granted a great amount of respect by those who would respect such positive opinions of the dwarfs. A name so-well known engenders respect or at least the appearance of it for many. (+2 Diplomacy, +5 Diplomacy With Dwarfs, -1 Diplomacy With Elves)
Trait: Nearly Nassau - Years of instruction from his wife Sabine has granted him a wealth of knowledge about non-Ostlander based diplomatic means, trading negotiations, and more. After all, one does not simply refuse the instruction of one's pregnant wife when they are determined to give it. (+2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Responsible Ruler - Though is is new to it, trial by fire has tempered him well. He rules fairly and firmly, and seems willing to accept advice from advisors without being utterly useless without them. A good sign for a man who would one day be an Elector Count. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Stewardship)
Trait: Horizons Expanded – This one has seen that the world holds more than they ever thought possible, for good and for ill. To learn, to know, forces one to examine thoughts and the present alike. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Piety)

Magnus von Hohenzollern's Branch


: Sabine von Hohenzollern (nee Nassau) [Married In 2330 IC To Magnus]


: 2309


: The Nassau dynasty itself began over a thousand years ago when a Stirlander noble House moved west after losing out almost all their fortunes to a rival family. Left almost destitute they were granted the lands that would come to be split between Ostland to the west and Ostermark to the east. In the modern day this would be a wealthy position save for the fact that the various merchant trains moving between those provinces no longer pass through the central province. In any case, the Nassau's are powerful landowners and are the major partners in numerous banks, farms, and merchant guilds. The beautiful daughter of powerful north Talabecland noble Adrian Nassau has been much sought after throughout much of the Empire practically since her birth due to this legacy and the resulting connections. Though she is heard to not be much of a fighter, she is said to be quite beautiful – and incredibly, incredibly wealthy…and that's about all that matters to most people.


: 15+2+3+3-1=22


: 8+4+2+1=15


: 20+3+3+2=28


: 19+1+3+2+1=26


: 10+2-1+1+3=15


: 18+4+2=24

Trait: Attractive – She is incredibly beautiful, a trait that will surely be passed down unto her future children. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Scholar – An accomplished student of many subjects. (+4 Learning, +2 Piety,

-2 Intrigue


-2 Martial

) [Intrigue Malus removed due to Personal Action Training/Martial Malus removed due to Personal Action Training]
Trait: Ruthless – She has ruined whole families to ensure the success of her families businesses. (+1 Intrigue)
Trait: Breadwinner – Despite being a woman, she has openly headed numerous extremely successful business ventures. Her savvy in mercantile manners is said by some to be more appropriate to a Merchant Prince rather than a Talabeclander girl. (+3 Diplomacy, +3 Stewardship, +3 Intrigue, +2 Learning)
Trait: Persuasive – Growing up watching her father and uncles perform business dealings made a deep impression upon her. Saying the right thing, with the right expression, at the right time…can make all the difference between your coach companies winning a route over someone else's. (+3 Diplomacy)
Trait: Administrator – As a child she often followed her father around and learned from him the secrets of being a good manager and leader. (+3 Stewardship)
Trait: Greedy – If there is one thing the Nassau all share, it is a desire to increase their wealth. A lasting impression from having to claw themselves up from destitution all those hundreds of years ago when they were ejected from Stirland. (+2 Stewardship, -1 Diplomacy, -1 Piety)
Trait: Properly Paranoid - Cannot help but see secret words, coded messages, and more in the shifts and movements of everyone around her, especially including her in-laws. This has its own benefits and issues, when it comes to the work that she performs. (+2 Intrigue)
Trait: Twin Bearer - A respectable feat.
Trait: Triplet Bearer - Gave birth to triplets.
Trait: Pious Exposure - Simply being around the Hohenzollerns, and their own antics, demands a closer study of piety and religious materials, if only to keep up and maintain appearances. (+1 Piety)
Trait: Deathly Plot Exposure - During her wedding there were skaven, vampires, and even an agent of the druchii involved. Things beyond simple plots of money, of competing skullduggery for trade contracts, and she has familiarized herself accordingly for these new opponents. (+1 Intrigue)
Trait: Quietly Fierce - She has never slain someone personally, but has seen and been exposed to tremendous violence, even if peripherally. She has become, abruptly, aware of her own fragility, and the greater scope of the Empire's vulnerability. Steps have been taken to ensure, now, that she will not simply go quietly into the night. The world is a dangerous place, and so she has striven to become a more dangerous person.
Trait: Half Hohenzollern - What began as a small request rapidly grew into a very comprehensive martial education with its foundation in the traditions and histories of the Von Raukov and Hohenzollern families of Ostland. A closeness with the family she has married is a more than welcome benefit. She may never be a great warrior, but diligence has its own rewards, and there is more to fighting than immediate personal capability. (+4 Martial)
Trait: Stubborn Strength - Repeated pregnancies have left her with a distaste for simply sitting around and ballooning around the hips and thighs...and everywhere else. As such, she works hard to ensure that she won't waste away, every day. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Without Hesitation - Hohenzollern spars require that one willingly shed the blood of family members and be able to accept one's own blood being shed in turn. The better for iron sharpening iron, and after years and years of this, this one has learned to overcome the shock and pause that others might suffer when first introduced to a fight to the death. (+1 Martial)
Trait: Piety Through Propriety - A close relationship with Serhild demanded that this one meet with and regularly interact with Arthur von Hohenzollern. The natural result, of course, is long hours of theological discussion and religious debate. For all that one might desire otherwise, it is hard to deny the Gods and their worth after years of such conversations. Then, of course, there are the stories of Karak Ungor and Sylvania that the Hohenzollerns could tell... (+3 Piety)

Warhammer Fantasy: A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism (1)


: Karola von Hohenzollern


2332 IC


Princess of Ostland

Description: Karola von Hohenzollern does not look terribly much like her father. Rather, in her case, she possesses the fiery Talabeclander red of her mother, in faint waves. In time, when she grows into an adult, it is easy to see that she will become quite a beauty. Her mother and father are both considered quite attractive in all the best ways by the Imperial standard, and Karola is no different. Her face possesses a nice balance between strong lines and softness. While her eyes are blue, they are closer to a warm sky blue than the icy piercing blue of her father's.


: 15+1+2+1=19


: 12+1-1=12


: 16


: 15-1-1=13


: 13+1+2=16


: 18+1=19

Trait: Tall – As an adult she shall tower over the heads of almost anyone. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Attractive – She is incredibly beautiful, a trait that will surely be passed down unto her future children. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Soft-Hearted – Karola outright struggles to find anger in her heart, much preferring kindness. (+1 Diplomacy, -1 Intrigue)
Trait: Pacifistic - Thoroughly abhors the act of hurting others. (-1 Martial, -1 Intrigue, +1 Piety)
Trait: Patch Up Hobbyist - When all of the other children get hurt and they don't want the adults to know, they come to Karola for help. (+1 Learning)
Trait: Dove's Tail - Growing up with relatively pious parents meant that she would, of course, find her own path. Perhaps owing to her early childhood preferences, she has begun poking at the Cult of Shallya (+2 Piety)


: Ortrud 'Ori' von Hohenzollern


2333 IC


Princess of Ostland

Description: Strong-willed and fierce for a child, young Ori bears the bright fiery hair of her mother, but the strength of frame of her father. With eyes of sharp blue marking her undeniably as her father's daughter, she is depite her red Talabeclander hair unmistakably a Hohenzollern.


: 14+2-2=14


: 13+2+2+2+2=21


: 15+2=17


: 19+2+1+1+2=25


: 12+2+2-2=14


: 18+2=20

Trait: Strong – Even as a child she displays greater strength than her peers. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Genius – Possesses a mind brighter than most others. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Sneak Step - This one has played about with her brother Logan in the shadows, finding gleeful enjoyment in sneaking up on her family. (+1 Intrigue)
Trait: Ruthless – When it comes to the games children play, she plays to win. Always. (+1 Intrigue)
Trait: Slight Psychopathy - Unfortunately, it seems that she was born with a certain cognitive dissonance compared to the average citizen of the Empire. (+2 Martial, -2 Diplomacy, +2 Intrigue, -2 Piety)
Trait: Osmotic Piety - Growing up amongst her family ensured a rather comprehensive religious education. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Masterful Instruction – A truly effective foundation and increasing mastery of one's own body and mind through intensive training at the hands of one who has largely mastered such things. (+2 Martial)


: Stephanie von Hohenzollern


2335 IC


Princess of Ostland


: 11+2=13


: 18+1=19


: 17


: 16


: 12+2=14


: 18

Trait: Remarkable Health – Came out heavier than most children, showing considerably robust health, this one shows signs of likely growing quite a bit more as they grow up.(+2 Base Martial)
Trait: Fraternal Triplet – Differs in appearance, personality, and ability to their siblings; Wolfila von Hohenzollern and Freya von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Attractive - Quite cute as a child, will no doubt grow up to be quite attractive like their parents. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Osmotic Piety - Growing up amongst her family ensured a rather comprehensive religious education. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Outgroup Distaste - Has been noted by the castle staff to prefer those they know, becoming standoffish and even rude with those they don't. (-2 Diplomacy To Those Not Considered Friends or Family).
Trait: Protective - Growing up, they began to see themselves as a guardian to their brother, a behavior that has extended to others they consider close.
Trait: Masterful Foundation – A truly effective foundation is one which lends itself to aiding growth in the future. So it goes. (+1 Martial)


: Freya von Hohenzollern


2335 IC


Princess of Ostland


: 9+2=11


: 16+1=17


: 13


: 19


: 9+2=11


: 19

Trait: Remarkable Health – Came out heavier than most children, showing considerably robust health, this one shows signs of likely growing quite a bit more as they grow up. (+2 Base Martial)
Trait: Fraternal Triplet – Differs in appearance, personality, and ability to their siblings; Wolfila von Hohenzollern and Stephanie von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Attractive - Quite cute as a child, will no doubt grow up to be quite attractive like their parents. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Osmotic Piety - Growing up amongst her family ensured a rather comprehensive religious education. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Outgroup Distaste - Has been noted by the castle staff to prefer those they know, becoming standoffish and even rude with those they don't. (-2 Diplomacy To Those Not Considered Friends or Family)
Trait: Protective - Growing up, they began to see themselves as a guardian to their brother, a behavior that has extended to others they consider close.
Trait: Masterful Foundation – A truly effective foundation is one which lends itself to aiding growth in the future. So it goes. (+1 Martial)


: Wolfila von Hohenzollern


2335 IC


Prince of Ostland


: 13+3=16


: 10-2=8


: 8


: 15-3=12


: 10+2=12


: 11

Trait: Enfeebled – This one was born with visible weakness in their body. Shorter and thinner than most of those around them, their bones and body twisted just enough to be enough to be offputting. (-2 Base Martial, -2 Diplomacy To Certain Individuals)
Trait: Slow - In body and in mind, this one is just not as quick on the uptake as regular people. (-2 Martial, -5 Base Learning/Stewardship)
Trait: Fraternal Triplet – Differs in appearance, personality, and ability to their siblings; Freya von Hohenzollern and Stephanie von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Gentle - This one's words and acts seem to sooth those around them, either from sincerity or pity, as they seem incapable of terrible aggression or unkindness (+3 Diplomacy, -3 Intrigue)
Trait: Budding Artist - Though it takes him many hours, this one seems to produce oddly beautiful doodles and sketches, perhaps more will come in time?
Trait: Osmotic Piety - Growing up amongst his family ensured a rather comprehensive religious education. (+2 Piety)


: Talgris von Hohenzollern


2339 IC


Prince of Ostland






Trait: Twin - Was born as the green-eyed twin to his brother Arthur.


: Arthur von Hohenzollern


2339 IC


Prince of Ostland






Trait: Twin - Was born as the blue-eyed twin to his brother Talgris.



Arthur von Hohenzollern




: Prince of Ostland, High Priest of Morr, Founder of the Order of the Garden, Augur, Cleanser of Templehof, Scourge of Sylvania, Eradicator of the Red Abbey, Purgator of the Wolf Crag, Slayer Of Helgrid Harkon, The Black Bull of Ostland, Baron Hohenzollern of Vogelsang


: Night's Razor (Magical Weapon, Black Zweihänder, Feather-light For Wielder, x3 Weight Against Non-Wielder, Somewhat Lesser Cutting Power Only When Compared To Runefangs And Equivilents), Black Plate Armor of Morr's Black Guard, Hand-Hatchet

Fate Points:


Fortune Points:


Description: Arthur von Hohenzollern is a triplet-by-blood with his living brother Magnus von Hohenzollern. However, there are a great many differences in their appearances which developed early into their adulthood. Arthur is notably more slim than his brother, yet still lined by a whip-cord amount of musculature and strength. Arthur's formerly jet-black hair now possesses a silvered grey streak along the temple, while being cut extremely short to the point of being shaved, but not quite. His pale skin is greyed ever so slightly, yet notably, which casts him into a frightening pallor, only emphasized by his natural inclination to quiet consideration over boisterous conversation. Yet he shares with his brother Magnus the same blue eyes that burn with a zealous light, while standing ever so slightly shorter.

Notable Kills: Alexandru Morten (Vampire Lords and Master Necromancer Ruler of Templehof), Ghoul Honor Guard x5, 'Abbess' Lupei of the Red Abbey (Vampire), The Wolf Knight (Vampire), Helgrid Harkon (Vampire), Unknown Wight King


: 9+1+2+4+4+2+2+1-1+2+2 =28











Trait: Fraternal Triplet – Differs in appearance, personality, and ability to their siblings; Magnus von Hohenzollern and Oskar von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Tall – As an adult he shall tower over the heads of almost anyone. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Attractive – Adorable as a child, extremely handsome as a man. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Patient – Is capable of calmly waiting out many things. (+1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning)
Trait: Faithful of Morr – Found true faith at a young age, and has retained it growing up. (+3 Piety)
Trait: Racial Hatred - Necrarch vampires and undead in general have found a permanent place of hatred in their heart.
Trait: Scholar of Morr - Has studied vast amounts of texts and learned from speaking to Priests of Morr from across the Old World, resulting in being extensively well learned in all things relating to Morr. (+3 Learning, +3 Piety)
Trait: Convincing Theologian - Long hours, days, weeks, and years debating amongst priests and faithful of numerous Gods has crafted a persuasive theologian indeed. (+4 Diplomacy, +2 Piety)
Trait: High Priest of The Order Of The Garden - A fully ordained member and elected leader of the Order of the Garden, a new sect of the Cult of Morr preaching more active involvement in the realm of the living. (+1 Martial, +4 Piety, +4 Diplomacy With Cult Of Morr)
Trait: Master of Religious Rhetoric - Constant sincere theological conversations on the meaning of Morr's edicts, on the place of Gods in the Empire with the Grand Theogonist, of warfare and purpose with the Ar-Ulric, and on the Empire's relationship with the divine with Magnus the Pious what they should be, coupled with discussions with soldiery and common men and women of the Empire, has sharpened the mind and turned this one's tongue into a weapon and shield all in one. (+4 Diplomacy, +1 Piety)
Trait: Harsh Lessons Learned - Spending time as part of the deathly conflict in Sylvania for a considerable amount of time, at the side of some of the greatest champions of the Empire, has lent a great amount of experience and knowledge being absorbed by this one. (+2 Martial, +2 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Religious Revelation – Has seen the awful majesty of the Realm of the Dead and the Land of Sleep in his dreams. Some would call it a curse, yet he calls it a gift for it is a wondrous showing of his connection to Morr. (+4 Piety)
Trait: Dreams of Omens - The reading of portents and omens has ever been one of the main focuses of Augurs within the Cult of Morr. Reading them correctly is nigh impossible but receiving them at all is seen as a major blessing of connection to the God of Dreams and Death. (+3 Piety)
Trait: Calm - It takes a significant amount to rattle this man, who can remain calm in all but the most trying of situations or provocations. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Humble - Despite his accomplishments and history, he remains a humble man despite it all. (+1 Diplomacy, +3 Piety)
Trait: Morrish Pallor - As a result of foolishly crossing further into the Realm of the Dead than the living can be allowed during initial communions with the God of Death, the skin of this man has been left with a tinge of grey. It frightens many, but to those who know it is an almost peaceful new coloration and a sign from Morr himself. (+2 Piety, -1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Raventouched - Amongst those who repeatedly channel the powers of the Gods, occasionally they become touched by said Gods. In this case, an acknowledged touch of Morr is upon this man in that ravens seem to simply...follow them around. They are not particularly disruptive, but are simply...there. Just sort of around. This bothers some, who fear the birds, but for those who know that they are also the signs of the God of the Dead, they are a fortuitous portent indeed. (+3 Piety, +/-1 Diplomacy With Certain Characters)
Trait: Encyclopedic Exterminator Of The Undead – Brutal and unforgiving combat, against foes numerous and dire, in one of the darkest realms of the Old World. From skeleton, to zombie, to vampire and terrorgheist. Patchwork zombies, risen grave guard, barrow kings bound to battle, and more. Experience has been engraved in his bones, that can be put to use against the undead or the living alike. (+3 Martial, +2 Additional Martial Against Undead)
Trait: Conviction – Has seen the horror of the undead unfurled to its horrifying fullness, and stood strong against it. (Martial +1)
Trait: Peacemaker – The scuffing between the Order of the Garden, the Order of the Shroud, and the Order of Augurs has demanded that Arthur become a voice of reason and calmness along with a few others. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Knights Raven Trained – Experience only grows with time. While sparring against his brother, his father, his uncle Urgdug, these were all valuable, but more awaited him. Fighting alongside and training with the aggressive Knights Raven has only added to the arsenal. (+1 Martial, +1 Additional Martial Against Undead)
Trait: Experienced Quartermaster – Having had to organize the Cult of Morr and its warrior orders in the conflict of Sylvania gave this one a crash course in logistics and organization. While he does not possess an instinctual skill at it like his father who barely even considers it consciously, he is now somewhat learned. (+2 Stewardship)
Trait: Well Worked Body – While he was not born as naturally strong as his brother Magnus, long conflict in grueling conditions accompanied by halfling meals has given him a bulked form, an improved musculature that is greatly useful in combat. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Heavily Scarred – Fighting against the undead and their masters, scarring is inevitable. His hide has been torn at more than once by a ghoul's claws or skeleton's spear.
Trait: Intercult Coordinator – To properly coordinate between the three 'sects' of the Cult of Morr, and to temples and gardens that have little to not contact between each other before now? Requires experience, knowledge, and skill. (+2 Diplomacy)

Arthur von Hohenzollern's Branch of Hohenzollern Family


: Serhild von Hohenzollern (nee Freud-Raukov) [Married to Arthur in 2318]


: 2309


Princess Serhild, Lady Serhild, Baroness Hohenzollern of Vogelsang

Description At Time Of Marriage: A slim young girl with a small smile almost always on her lips. As a result of being born into both the Freud and von Raukov lines, she has spent much time studying diplomacy and statesmanship balanced with weapon training to be able to defend herself. She is perfectly happy spending most of her days at home, however, cooking and maintaining the home in between combat practice. A demure woman, she is not prone to flights of fancy or overbearing amounts of emotion for she is in fact still an Ostlander - who remain a dour people even after the death of Zacharias. Her love is quiet, but steady. In recent years as she grows more mature and raises her children, she has let herself relax slightly, in terms of exuberance and the like. Her friendship with Sabine, a fellow woman marrying into the Hohenzollerns, has seen her expand her interests into actual ventures in certain cases. Her hair is a dark blonde, her eyes a warm brown.




: 7+2+1+1+3+1=15


: 13+1=14


: 6+1+3=10


: 18+1+3=22


: 14

Trait: Attractive – Quite a pretty young girl, who will blossom into a beautiful woman as an adult. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Kind – A demure and quiet child, Serhild has always had a kind word for others. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship)
Trait: Strong – Being a child of the von Raukov line, she has been born with some of the inherent strength of those long time famous warriors of the province. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Provincial Hatred – As an Ostlander, she despises undead and vampires of the Necrarch Bloodline as a result of the Vampire War of 2315
Trait: Equine Aficionado - While Ostland was never particularly known for its horse-riding traditions, Serhild has found herself happily engaged with the raising and racing of horses. It is a niche activity, but one that she is happy to do to fill the days. Plus, it lets her gossip with the local nobles who are interested. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Private Great Kitchen Apprentice - Though some might find it odd to see a noblewoman apprenticing herself in such a manner, Serhild finds that she has an earnest passion for cooking. Plus, it lets her get an ear to the ground about town, as people greet and speak to her. Serhild is known to be a great friend of the chefs, while simultaneously allowing her son to be viewed and admired by the citizenry. (+1 Piety, +2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Married To A Head Priest - Being married to Arthur has, by necessity, had her become more than a little learned about the Cult of Morr, far more than the average citizen at least. On the other hand, living through the Vampire War has left her with quite the appreciation for it. (+1 Martial, +3 Piety)
Trait: Skilled Dancer – Was it just a way to exercise? Perhaps. But she found a deep passion for it, and it is undeniable that to watch her dance is a thing of beauty, while ensuring flexibility and strength that is present, if not readily apparent. (+1 Martial)
Trait: Music Lover - She enjoys the sounds of instruments and the call of voice very much, for they are expressions of the soul. (Diplomacy +1)
Trait: Dual Legacies of Death - The Von Raukov and the Hohenzollern are famously martial families, and she has the blood of one and the marriage into the other. As the years have gone on, she has grown into these legacies with aplomb, not least of which is because of how she got annoyed that her husband would spend so much time in the spars that she herself was not a part of. (+3 Martial)
Trait: Energetic - As the years have gone on, she has found that rather than slowing down, she has sped up. Much to the annoyance of many other people, and the enjoyment of many others. (+1 Martial)
Trait: A Snake's Friend - Serhild has become extremely close friends with Sabine, to the point that it has been remarked that the two act practically like sisters. This has, in turn, meant that on sheer osmosis alone, let alone the actual instruction given, that Serhild has gained quite the view into the way things work from a Nassau perspective. (+1 Diplomacy, +3 Intrigue)


: Frederick von Hohenzollern


: 2326


Prince of Ostland

Description: A throwback to the Hohenzollern's of old, this one bears the height, black hair, and blue eyes of his forefathers with ease. His hair is cleanly cut, kept short to his head, while simultaneously framing an attractive face. As a result of being born to a substantially religious father, his clothing constantly shows strong Morrite influences in coloration and in muted decoration. Unlike some in his family, Frederick shows a remarkable calmness regardless of most circ*mstances.


: 12+1+2+2+1+1+1=20


: 12+1+2+2=17


: 14+1+1=16


: 12+1+1=14


: 15+3+2=20


: 14+1+2=17

Trait: Tall – As an adult he shall tower over the heads of almost anyone. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Attractive – Adorable as a child, will likely be handsome as a man. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Patient – Born to a calm mother and patient father, he is truly a child of his parents. (+1 Stewardship, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning)
Trait: Calm - Despite many strange upheavals and occurrence in his youth, his mother kept him calm. This is something that has become simply part of his nature. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Strong – Blood of the Hohenzollerns and the Raukovs floods his veins. A strong child indeed. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Son of a Preacher - His father is a High Priest of Morr and a skilled theological debater, his mother a faithful woman as well. He is no different. (+3 Piety, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Broad Religious Base - Grandfather a Sigmarite, grandmother of foreign gods, father a Morrite, granduncle and grandaunt reaching out to Taal, the introduction of Esmeraldans, and more. It is simply unavoidable for him to not be exposed to and take in a great amount of religious literature and learning, now, and as he grows. (+2 Piety, +2 Learning)
Trait: Undaunted By The Strange - His father possesses disturbingly greyed skin, his grandfather has born wounds most deathly, he has an ogre for a grand-uncle, and has seen griffon's laugh and scream. He is not easily shaken. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Kind – Raised by his mother Serhild to always have a kind word for others, or, failing this, to not bring insults instead. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship)
Trait: Masterful Instruction – A truly effective foundation and increasing mastery of one's own body and mind through intensive training at the hands of one who has largely mastered such things. (+2 Martial)


: Ortrud 'Trudi' von Hohenzollern


: 2332


Princess of Ostland

Descriptor: Even as a child, Trudi displays sure signs of growing to be quite tall and strong indeed. Her skin is the pale and fair tone of Ostland, her hair the black of her father Arthur, her eyes the same warm brown as her mother Serhild. While she currently possesses a considerable amount of baby fat, considering her parents it is more than likely that Trudi will grow into a slim, graceful, and deadly strong woman.


: 16+1+1+1+1+1=21


: 11+1+2+1+1+2=18


: 13+1+1=15


: 10+1+1=12


: 15+3+2+2=22


: 14+2+2=18

Trait: Tall – As an adult she shall tower over the heads of almost anyone. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Strong – Blood of the Hohenzollerns and the Raukovs floods her veins. A strong child indeed. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Kind – Raised by her mother Serhild to always have a kind word for others, or, failing this, to not bring insults instead. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship)
Trait: Daughter of a Preacher - Her father is a High Priest of Morr and a skilled theological debater, her mother a faithful woman as well. She could be no different. (+3 Piety, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Broad Religious Base - Grandfather a Sigmarite, grandmother of foreign gods, father a Morrite, granduncle and grandaunt reaching out to Taal, the introduction of Esmeraldans, and more. It is simply unavoidable for herto not be exposed to and take in a great amount of religious literature and learning, now, and as she grows. (+2 Piety, +2 Learning)
Trait: Skilled Dancer – The ability to dance in elaborate style for hours translates very well to physical conditioning when it comes to battle. (+1 Martial)
Trait: Undaunted By The Strange - Her father possesses disturbingly greyed skin, her grandfather has born wounds most deathly, she has an ogre for a grand-uncle, and has seen griffon's laugh and scream. She is not easily shaken. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Devout - Has found a singular interest in Morr, a faith easily nurtured in the family she was born into. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Equine Hobbyist - While Ostland was never particularly known for its horse-riding traditions, Trudi's mother has been working on bettering such things. Riding on horses across the Northern March is a favored pastime of this one, as is caring for them. (+1 Martial, +1 Stewardship)
Trait: Quietly Insightful - While she is not a blazing and open genius like some, she is quite capable of critical thinking and studying when she desires to without too much struggle. (+1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue, +2 Learning)
Trait: Masterful Instruction – A truly effective foundation and increasing mastery of one's own body and mind through intensive training at the hands of one who has largely mastered such things. (+2 Martial)


: Karl von Hohenzollern


: 2340 IC


Prince of Ostland















Agatha von Hohenzollern




: The Dark Sisters (Half Of), Wizard Apprentice of Magistrix Draken, Marked Of Yemaraja


Amethyst Serpent Familiar (x2 Size, Horned, Blind, Voice Channel), Obsidian Knife, Small Hatchet (Steel), Amethyst College Battle Scythes [Broken], Noose of Yemaraja Soul Tattoo, Dusk Scythe

Fate Points:


Notable Kills (Shared With Twin): Senior Apprentice Catalina of the Light College, Wight King Makros, Psamti/Rawer/
Abdukrahman/Hans Gellumschnicht [Mahtmasi Bloodline Vampires], Vampire Captain Anna of the Yellow Smile, Empowered Wight of Scar-Leader Gonhahu/1 Royal Caste Brahtriya (Indi Vampiric Bloodline)/Lord Lee (Jade-Blooded Vampire Lord)/Shared Credit With Death of 2nd Generation Blood Dragon Anpu (Sired By Abhorash)/Nippon Oni Tyrant Thugtoshi Biggastomp/Shared Credit for Death of Emperor Jubei of Nippon




: 17+2+1+2+1+1+3+1+3+3+2=36


: 11+2=13


: 17+2+1+1=21


: 9+2+4+1+2+5=23


: 23+2+2+3+1=31

Trait: Twin – Identical in appearance, personality, and ability to their twin sibling; Alisa von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Attractive – Despite her albinism, or perhaps enhanced by her exotic nature, her beauty is undeniable. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Genius – Possesses a mind ablaze with intellect (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Creepy – This person is just 'off' in such that it itches at people the wrong way. (-2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Intense Subject of Sermon - Despite being one of the students of the Magic Colleges, this person has been undergoing an exacting amount of religious indoctrination designed to preserve their soul and prevent corruption. Or perhaps they sought out for such sermons and religious education on purpose for said purpose, and merely tell others the first story to deflect attention? A significant amount of religious learning from materials on Morr provided by their sibling Arthur von Hohenzollern has pushed a considerable amount of focus on the God of Death. (+4 Piety)
Trait: Inured To Horror – Were taken along with their Master to the cursed land of Sylvania, during its great purging by the Emperor Magnus. There, they saw hundreds of men slaughtered, torn to shreds, and devoured, in carnage spanning days at a time. Under their master's guidance, and the aid of Arthur von Hohenzollern's counsel, they have emerged unbroken by their experience. (+1 Martial, +1 Piety)
Trait: Exceptionally Experienced Dissectionist – Observed and partook in the study and dissection of some of the worst that Sylvania had to offer, from vampires, to ghouls, to terrorgheists. And loved it. To study anatomy as they have is to know death, intimately, and also how to deal it. To learn anatomy without the restrictions of the Cult of Morr is to know it even further... (+3 Martial)
Trait: Questioning Morrite – Were personally taught by the High Priest of the Order of the Garden, granted a personal and zealous education into the Cult of Morr. Somewhat atypical from other Amethyst Wizards, who lend some credence to Morr, or pay heed to his shrines, they actively worship the God of the Dead. Their studies in the Far East have led to them questioning certain parts of the faith, however...(+1 Martial, +

3 Piety

, Altered from Militant Morrite)
Trait: Exposed To the Emperor – Happened to be either at meetings accompanying their master, or within hearing range of speeches, granting them exposure to Magnus the Pious's tremendous faith and charisma. One cannot help but look upon the Gods with stronger or renewed faith. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Familiar Crafter – With the extensive aid of their Master, they have managed to craft an arcane familiar over the course of several years. A good display of magical ability, control, and dedication. It is a shame that what they've made is so discomforting. (-1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Experienced Surgeon - Fascinated by the human body and how it dies, and scholars of both the Gaelenic and the Mechanical School of Thought with regards to anatomy. Have closely studied the treatises of the Jade Dragon of the Wu Dynasty, and learned even more as a result. (+3 Learning)
Trait: Linguistic Smoothing - Recognizing a vital deficiency in her students led their teacher to force upon them tomes upon proper speech and oratory. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Learning)
Trait: Macabre Interests - Enjoys considerations of the macabre, both in conversation and in mental contemplation. This is more than a little off putting for most people. (-1 Diplomacy)
Trait: International Undead Killer - Has slain raised Lizardmen in Lustria alongside Norse berserkers, hunted down vampires in the deserts of Araby, survived a trek along the Silk Road, all while killing creatures thought to be myth and song. Undeath has crept out across the world, and they have killed or re-killed quite a variety of it. (+3 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Clammy Skin - A massive burst of unrestrained Shyish washed through the body and soul, leaving the skin as cold as the dead. Asleep, this person could be easily mistaken for one.
Trait: Marked By Yemaraja's Noose - Service granted, boons given. Such is the way of dedication and sacrifice towards the gloried Deva, highest powers in the Land of a Thousand Gods. The breath of the dead, solidified into crystals, ground into skin, flesh, soul and dried with the Purple Wind. Taste of the end, and feel its power. (+3 Martial, +5 Piety, +2 Additional Martial When Fighting Undead)
Trait: Worldwide Warrior Woman - There is something to the techniques of a great many places crystallizing in the warrior's mind, from the dervishes of the sands, to the sheer power of the ogre and Norscan, the dance of iron of Ind, the techniques of the monks of Cathay, the arts of the samurai of Nippon. Something indeed...(+2 Martial)
Trait: Auspicious Blood – Conceived while both parents were in the afterglow of an extremely strong working of High Magic by an Arcane Fulcrum Attuned Loremaster, near said Arcane Fulcrum, in an area filled to the brim with Shyish after two thousand years of magical workings by the insane Overlord of the Necrarch Vampire Bloodline.

  1. Resulting Trait: Tall – Towers above almost all others from above. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
  2. Resulting Trait: Strong – As a child, this one was considered freakishly strong for her size and frame, as an adult, this has not changed. Willowy, yet also like an oak. (+2 Martial)
  3. Resulting Trait: Amethyst Wizard Apprentice – Born in an area inundated with High Magic and Shyish and granted a gift - or curse - of being able to wield the latter, her mind and relentless approach to her studies has advanced her into the position of Apprentice, the lowest rank amongst the Amethyst Order. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning. -1 Diplomacy)
  4. Resulting Trait: Albinism - Born with skin and hair the color of snow and eyes the color of dark amethyst. This frightens many, and the more zealous figures may consider Albinism to be a mutation of Chaos. This isn't necessarily true, of course, but it does carry with it some negative issues. (-3 Diplomacy)

Alisa von Hohenzollern




: The Dark Sisters (Half Of), Wizard Apprentice of Magistrix Draken, Marked Of Yemaraja


Amethyst Serpent Familiar (x2 Size, Horned, Blind, Voice Channel), Obsidian Knife, Small Hatchet (Steel), Amethyst College Battle Scythes [Broken], Noose of Yemaraja Soul Tattoo, Dusk Scythe

Fate Points:


Notable Kills (Shared With Twin): Senior Apprentice Catalina of the Light College/Wight King Makros/Psamti, Rawer,
Abdukrahman, Hans Gellumschnicht [Mahtmasi Bloodline Vampires]/Vampire Captain Anna of the Yellow Smile/Empowered Wight of Scar-Leader Gonhahu/1 Royal Caste Brahtriya (Indi Vampiric Bloodline)/Lord Lee (Jade-Blooded Vampire Lord)/Shared Credit With Death of 2nd Generation Blood Dragon Anpu (Sired By Abhorash)/Nippon Oni Tyrant Thugtoshi Biggastomp/Shared Credit for Death of Emperor Jubei of Nippon


: 6+2+2-2+1-1-3-1+2-1+1=6


: 17+2+1+2+1+1+3+1+3+3+2=36


: 11+2=13


: 17+2+1+1=21


: 9+2+4+1+2+5=23


: 23+2+2+3+1=31

Trait: Twin – Identical in appearance, personality, and ability to their twin sibling; Agatha von Hohenzollern.
Trait: Attractive – Despite her albinism, or perhaps enhanced by her exotic nature, her beauty is undeniable. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Genius – Possesses a mind ablaze with intellect (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Creepy – This person is just 'off' in such that it itches at people the wrong way. (-2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Intense Subject of Sermon - Despite being one of the students of the Magic Colleges, this person has been undergoing an exacting amount of religious indoctrination designed to preserve their soul and prevent corruption. Or perhaps they sought out for such sermons and religious education on purpose for said purpose, and merely tell others the first story to deflect attention? A significant amount of religious learning from materials on Morr provided by their sibling Arthur von Hohenzollern has pushed a considerable amount of focus on the God of Death. (+4 Piety)
Trait: Inured To Horror – Were taken along with their Master to the cursed land of Sylvania, during its great purging by the Emperor Magnus. There, they saw hundreds of men slaughtered, torn to shreds, and devoured, in carnage spanning days at a time. Under their master's guidance, and the aid of Arthur von Hohenzollern's counsel, they have emerged unbroken by their experience. (+1 Martial, +1 Piety)
Trait: Exceptionally Experienced Dissectionist – Observed and partook in the study and dissection of some of the worst that Sylvania had to offer, from vampires, to ghouls, to terrorgheists. And loved it. To study anatomy as they have is to know death, intimately, and also how to deal it. To learn anatomy without the restrictions of the Cult of Morr is to know it even further... (+3 Martial)
Trait: Questioning Morrite – Were personally taught by the High Priest of the Order of the Garden, granted a personal and zealous education into the Cult of Morr. Somewhat atypical from other Amethyst Wizards, who lend some credence to Morr, or pay heed to his shrines, they actively worship the God of the Dead. Their studies in the Far East have led to them questioning certain parts of the faith, however...(+1 Martial, +

3 Piety

, Altered from Militant Morrite)
Trait: Exposed To the Emperor – Happened to be either at meetings accompanying their master, or within hearing range of speeches, granting them exposure to Magnus the Pious's tremendous faith and charisma. One cannot help but look upon the Gods with stronger or renewed faith. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Familiar Crafter – With the extensive aid of their Master, they have managed to craft an arcane familiar over the course of several years. A good display of magical ability, control, and dedication. It is a shame that what they've made is so discomforting. (-1 Diplomacy, +1 Intrigue)
Trait: Experienced Surgeon - Fascinated by the human body and how it dies, and scholars of both the Gaelenic and the Mechanical School of Thought with regards to anatomy. Have closely studied the treatises of the Jade Dragon of the Wu Dynasty, and learned even more as a result. (+3 Learning)
Trait: Linguistic Smoothing - Recognizing a vital deficiency in her students led their teacher to force upon them tomes upon proper speech and oratory. (+2 Diplomacy, +2 Learning)
Trait: Macabre Interests - Enjoys considerations of the macabre, both in conversation and in mental contemplation. This is more than a little off putting for most people. (-1 Diplomacy)
Trait: International Undead Killer - Has slain raised Lizardmen in Lustria alongside Norse berserkers, hunted down vampires in the deserts of Araby, survived a trek along the Silk Road, all while killing creatures thought to be myth and song. Undeath has crept out across the world, and they have killed or re-killed quite a variety of it. (+3 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Clammy Skin - A massive burst of unrestrained Shyish washed through the body and soul, leaving the skin as cold as the dead. Asleep, this person could be easily mistaken for one.
Trait: Marked By Yemaraja's Noose - Service granted, boons given. Such is the way of dedication and sacrifice towards the gloried Deva, highest powers in the Land of a Thousand Gods. The breath of the dead, solidified into crystals, ground into skin, flesh, soul and dried with the Purple Wind. Taste of the end, and feel its power. (+3 Martial, +5 Piety, +2 Additional Martial When Fighting Undead)
Trait: Worldwide Warrior Woman - There is something to the techniques of a great many places crystallizing in the warrior's mind, from the dervishes of the sands, to the sheer power of the ogre and Norscan, the dance of iron of Ind, the techniques of the monks of Cathay, the arts of the samurai of Nippon. Something indeed...(+2 Martial)
Trait: Auspicious Blood – Conceived while both parents were in the afterglow of an extremely strong working of High Magic by an Arcane Fulcrum Attuned Loremaster, near said Arcane Fulcrum, in an area filled to the brim with Shyish after two thousand years of magical workings by the insane Overlord of the Necrarch Vampire Bloodline.

  1. Resulting Trait: Tall – Towers above almost all others from above. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
  2. Resulting Trait: Strong – As a child, this one was considered freakishly strong for her size and frame, as an adult, this has not changed. Willowy, yet also like an oak. (+2 Martial)
  3. Resulting Trait: Amethyst Wizard Apprentice – Born in an area inundated with High Magic and Shyish and granted a gift - or curse - of being able to wield the latter, her mind and relentless approach to her studies has advanced her into the position of Apprentice, the lowest rank amongst the Amethyst Order. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, +1 Learning. -1 Diplomacy)
  4. Resulting Trait: Albinism - Born with skin and hair the color of snow and eyes the color of dark amethyst. This frightens many, and the more zealous figures may consider Albinism to be a mutation of Chaos. This isn't necessarily true, of course, but it does carry with it some negative issues. (-3 Diplomacy)

Logan von Hohenzollern




: Wolfmarked, Prince of Ostland, Priest of Ulric, The Lusty Bull [Unofficial/Lie/Insult By Political Enemies], Savior of Maidens, Logan Gromvarf (Bravewolf), the Silver Bull

Fate Points:

Description: Even at a young age, Logan shows the signs of growing tall and broad like the Udose berserkers of old. His eyes are a strangely clear blue, and he is marked by a quiet and serious demeanor. Though he is not yet fully a man, a small but significant amount of muscle seems to hang on his frame, which is itself a distraction for how quietly he carries himself. A scruff of messy black hair covers his head, perpetually messy despite the best efforts of some of the finest in the land at such things. His skin is actually somewhat darker than the paler skin tones of many in the north, though not terribly so.


: 6+2+1+1+1+2=13


: 17+2+2+1+1+1+1+1+3=29


: 11+2+1+1=15


: 12+2+1+1+2=18


: 9+2+1+1+2+3+1+1+1=21


: 17+2+1=20

Trait: Tall – As an adult he shall tower over the heads of almost anyone. (+1 Martial, +1 Diplomacy)
Trait: Strong – Even as a child he displays greater strength than his peers. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Genius – Possesses a mind brighter than most others. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Wolftouched – Was born touched by Chaos, only to have the taint burnt out by the power of the God of Wolves. One of his feet was even somehow altered through the process, rendering it as if a melding of a man's foot and a wolf's paw with no balance or ability lost. This is known to him, and to others. It is unavoidable. (+2 Base Piety, +1 Martial, +3 Diplomacy With Devout Ulricans)
Trait: Eyes of Winter – This one bears clear blue eyes like that of a Winter Wolf. The darkness cannot cloud his vision ever again, yet the world has been rendered colorless to him as a result. (+1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, Nightvision/Colorblind, +1 Diplomacy With Devout Ulricans)
Trait: Once-Tainted – Before being held within the Flame of Ulric on naught but faith, this one was corrupted through the machinations of Chaos. A terrifying prospect, whether one is a man or a child. Faith, then, has featured heavily in his life since before he can possibly remember, and will continue to do so forever. (+1 Base Piety, -1 Diplomacy With Suspicious Characters/Zealots)
Trait: Birth-Scarred – His siblings in the womb were monstrous, mutated, and nearly slew him then and there. A babe should not have born those scars, and even healed as they are, he fought for his life even in the womb. A fighter born indeed! (+1 Martial)
Trait: Tempered Anger – Born an angry child, under the stern and sometimes cold hand of his mother Natasha, as well as with the warm yet strict Aunt Serhild, tantrums have been tempered akin to steel from molten metal. (+1 Martial)
Trait: Serious – Never seemed as inclined to play as the other children did, more prone to watching, waiting, and acting with a strange seriousness to his actions. (+1 Stewardship, +1 Piety)
Trait: Scholarly Mother – His mother and common caregiver Aunt Serhild read and worked to ensure that he and others around his age in the family received a good education about many things. (+1 Learning, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Piety, +1 Stewardship)
Trait: High Priest Exposure – Arthur von Hohenzollern interacted much with the young Hohenzollerns, grouped as they often were. What the one year older Frederick learned from his father, often too did this one. (+2 Piety)
Trait: Quiet Stalker – This one does not walk so much as he stalks silently in his movements. A natural result of his strange footwork, a quirk of his own nature, or something else? Who knows. (+1 Intrigue)
Trait: Priest of Ulric - Fully initiated into the Cult of Ulric, this one is now a true Priest of the Wolf God, if bottom ranked as one. (+3 Piety)
Trait: Survivor of Cult Politics - Despite having no great taste for it, this one was forced to learn, quickly, how even those who hold themselves as pious are vulnerable to all too mortal concerns, all the while maintaining the faith themselves. (+2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Piety)
Trait: Bravewolf - When faced with the largest WAAAAAGH!! in the history of the Old World, this one did not even think of surrender or despair. Only of slaying as many foes as he could. An unforgettable deed in the records of the Empire and the Karaz Ankor, engraved with blood and frozen in place for all to see with the cold fury of Ulric. (+3 Martial, +1 Piety)
Trait: Hammer and Wolf - Despite the longstanding friction between the Cult of Ulric and the Cult of Sigmar, this Wolf Priest has shown remarkable ability in achieving amicable and peaceful relations with the faithful of the faithful of Sigmar, aided by heroic actions shoulder to shoulder with them. (+1 Piety, +2 Diplomacy, Reduced Penalties When Dealing With Religious Friction)

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.